1、Newton proved himself equally intolerant of chicanery, when, in his waning years.he took a position as Master of the Mint.牛頓本人同樣也不能容忍欺詐行為,在他晚年的時候,他擔任了皇家鑄幣廠的主管官員。
2、He first noticed it a second ago, when he put his hands in his pockets, looking fora mint, and instead found the sharp prongs of the fork.愛德華剛剛才發現這把叉,他在口袋裏找薄荷糖沒找著,卻摸到了叉的尖頭。
3、I shall probably make mint jelly too, as there is so much mint in the garden, I hateto see it go to waste.我可能也會做些薄荷凍,因為花園裏有那麽多薄荷,我可不想眼看著白白浪費掉。
4、He decided to give up research and in 1695 accepted an appointment as wardenof the British Mint in London.他決定放棄研究,並於壹六九五年接受任命,擔任倫敦的不列顛造幣廠的監察。