古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 請問agreement,compact, pact, deal,treaty,accord的異同?

請問agreement,compact, pact, deal,treaty,accord的異同?


①agreement 是協議,有的時候是比較被動的,比如離婚協議,兩國之間就什麽事達成的協議。an arrangement, a promise or a contract

②contract 是合同,規定雙方各有那些義務等,商業合同,雇傭合同等等。an official written agreement

③covenant 壹般是法律,和很正式的合約。a promise to sb, or a legal agreement, especially one to pay a regular amount of money to sb/sth

④treaty 兩國之間簽定的的優惠政策,條約等a formal agreement between two or more countries

⑤ deal : 協議;(尤指)交易。an agreement, especially in business, on particular conditions for buying or doing sth⑥compact 協定;協議;契約;合約(formal) a formal agreement between two or more people or countries

⑦ accord 協議;條約 a formal agreement between two organizations, countries, etc.