healer(治愈者) ,honor(榮耀),horizen(視野), hymn(聖歌),happy(開心),happiness(幸福)?honor(光榮), hope(希望), holy(神聖) hero(英雄), ?harmony(和諧), ?healthy(健康), hilarious (高興的,熱鬧的;充滿歡樂的,引起大笑的 ), ?hospitality(好客)?humane(人道的,慈悲的), humour (幽默;詼諧 ), ?hooray =yay ?(好哇!、歡呼用語)
1、"It traces its origin to medieval lithologists, itinerant healers who specialized in surgical removal of bladder stones. "現代泌尿學直接起源於中世紀專門進行手術除去膀胱結石的走方郎中。
2、It's my honor to present my collects.這是我的榮幸可以展現我的收集品。
3、The priests piously consecrated the robbery with a hymn.教士們虔誠地唱了壹首贊美詩,把這劫奪行為神聖化了。
4、To the children, their father's study was the holy of holies.在這些孩子的眼裏,父親的書房是最神聖的地方。
5、It's always best to humour him when he's in one of his bad moods.他心境不好的時候,最好還是遷就他。
handsome ['h?nds?m] a.(男子)漂亮的;(女子)端莊;可觀的
happy ['h?pi] a.快樂的,幸福的,
harvest ['hɑ:vist] n.收獲,收割,收成 v.收割,收獲
healthy ['helθi] a.健康的,健壯的,有益健康的
heartily ['hɑ:tili] ad.衷心地,誠懇地;十分,很
helpful ['helpf?l] a.有益的
hero ['hi?r?u] n.英雄,男主人公
heroic [hi'r?uik] a.英雄的,英勇的
highlight ['hailait] n.最重要的部分 vt.使顯著,使突出
historic [his't?rik] a.歷史上著名的,有歷史意義的
honesty ['?nisti] n.誠實,忠實
humanitarian [hju:?m?ni'te?ri?n] n./a.人道主義(的),人道主義者
humorous ['hju:m?r?s] a.幽默的,詼諧的