古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 詞匯精選:shatter的用法和辨析


壹、詳細釋義: , v. , 砸碎,粉碎 [T] , 例句: ,Such words simply shatter themselves on the hard fact.,這種言論在鐵的事實面前碰得粉碎。, 例句: ,Waves lash at the Church but do not shatter it.,巨浪只能沖擊教會,卻不能粉碎她。, 大大擾亂,毀壞 [T] , 例句: ,That is why I at myself and shatter my secret in jest.,因此我嘲笑我自己,把我的秘密在玩笑中打碎。, 例句: ,There was something that can't be mended, and that shattered my whole fortunes early.,這是壹件不能補救的事,它過早地毀壞了我的壹生。, 使極為驚愕難過,給予極大打擊 [T] , 例句: ,Celia was shattered by the experience.,這壹經歷使西莉亞受到很大 *** 。, 例句: ,Your news shattered me.,妳送來的消息使我痛不欲生。, 破裂 [I] , 例句: ,Cathleen was as white as Cade, as if her face would shatter if she spoke.,凱瑟琳跟凱德壹樣蒼白,仿佛壹說話她的臉就會破裂似的。, 二、詞義辨析: , break,burst,crack,crush,fracture,shatter, *** ash ,這些動詞均含“打破、弄碎”之意。break常用詞,含義廣泛,多指猛然用力將堅硬物打破或損壞。burst指某物因內部外部壓力過大而出現嚴重破裂、爆開或脹破。crack多指因長期使用或經受壓力,物體表現呈現裂紋、裂口或破裂、裂開,但壹般沒成碎片。crush指用力把東西壓破或變形。fracture比crack的破裂程度更深更嚴重,常指斷裂,醫學上指骨折。shatter指破裂為許多支離破碎的碎片,多用指易碎事物。 *** ash指突然而猛烈地重擊某物,使之破碎或完全變形。, 三、參考例句: ,Nothing could shatter his faith.,沒有什麽東西能動搖他的信念。,A failure would shatter the hopes of many people.,壹次失敗會使很多人希望破滅。,Such words simply shatter themselves on the hard fact.,這種言論在鐵的事實面前碰得粉碎。,Waves lash at the Church but do not shatter it.,巨浪只能沖擊教會,卻不能粉碎她。,The stone hit the window and a shatter of glass fell on their heads.,石頭擊中窗戶,壹陣碎玻璃落到他們頭上。,That is why I at myself and shatter my secret in jest.,因此我嘲笑我自己,把我的秘密在玩笑中打碎。,The barbeque was meant to shatter the world record for the globe's largest grill-off.,這次烤肉野餐意圖打破最大型燒烤盛會的世界紀錄。,Cathleen was as white as Cade, as if her face would shatter if she spoke.,凱瑟琳跟凱德壹樣蒼白,仿佛壹說話她的臉就會破裂似的。,If you shatter the fishbowl so that everything is possible, you don't have freedom, you have paralysis.,如果妳想讓壹切變得有可能而把魚缸打破,妳得到的不是自由,而是癱瘓。,The dropped bottle of beer caused an initial crack, but a woman walking over the broken glass in stiletto heels reportedly caused the pane to shatter further.,最初壹名遊客掉落的啤酒瓶在壹塊玻璃上砸出裂紋,隨後壹名穿著細高跟鞋的女子通過有裂紋的玻璃後,導致玻璃裂縫進壹步擴大。