古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - shielded


shield [?ld]

n. 盾; 庇護者; 保護者; 防護物

v. 保護; 庇護; 保衛; 包庇; 起保護作用牛津高階英漢雙解詞典


/ ?i?ld; ?ild/ n

(a) piece of (usu metal or leather) armour formerly carried on the arm to protect the body when fighting 盾. (b) (in heraldry) drawing or model of a shield displaying a coat of arms (coat) (紋章中的)盾形紋徽, 盾形徽章. =>illus at coat of arms arms (coat) 見coat of arms (coat)插圖. (c) trophy in the form of a shield 盾形錦標: win the school boxing shield 贏得學校拳擊賽盾形錦標.

~ (against sth) (fig 比喻) person or thing that protects 起保護作用的人或物: This car polish is an effective shield against rust. 這種汽車上光蠟很有防?作用.

(in machinery, etc) plate or screen that protects the operator or the machine; thing used to keep out wind, dust, etc (機器等的)護板, 擋風板, 防塵板: a shield around the grip of a chainsaw 鏈鋸手柄的護套 * the `heat-shield on a space capsule 宇宙飛船密封艙的隔熱屏 * a welder's `eye-shield, ie to stop sparks getting into the eye 電焊工的護目罩.

> shield v [Tn, Tn.pr] ~sb/sth (against/from sb/sth) protect sb/sth from harm; defend sb/sth from criticism, attack, etc 保護或庇護某人[某事物]: shield one's eyes (from the sun) with one's hand 用手(擋住陽光)保護眼睛 * The police officer shielded the child with her body. 那警察用她的身體保護了小孩. * You can't shield this criminal from prosecution. 妳不能包庇該罪犯而不起訴他. * I tried to shield him against prying journalists. 我竭力為他擋駕, 攔住那些鍥而不舍的記者.

protect [pro·tect || pr?'tekt]

v. 保護, 防護; 為...保險; 備款以支付牛津高階英漢雙解詞典


/ prtekt; pr?ˋt?kt/ v

[Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (against/from sth) keep sb/sth safe from harm, injury, etc; defend sb/sth 保護、 保衛某人[某事物]: You need warm clothes to protect you against the cold. 妳需要穿暖些以免著涼. * The vaccine was used to protect the whole population against infection. 這種疫苗用以為全體居民預防傳染病. * The union was formed to protect the rights and interests of miners. 建立起工會是為保護礦工的權利和利益.

[Tn] guard (one or more industries of a country) against competition by taxing foreign goods (以徵收進口稅)保護(國內工業): The country's car industry is so strongly protected that foreign cars are rarely seen there. 該國對汽車工業嚴加保護, 外國汽車甚為罕見.