古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - desperately翻譯中文



1、ADJ-GRADED?(因絕望而)孤註壹擲的,鋌而走險的,拼命的?If you are?desperate, you are in such a bad situation that you are willing to try anything to change it.

Troops are needed to help get food into Kosovo where people are in desperate need...需要軍隊幫助將科索沃人民亟需的食品送抵那裏。

2、ADJ-GRADED?極需要的;渴望的?If you are?desperate for?something or?desperate to?do something, you want or need it very much indeed.

They'd been married nearly four years and June was desperate to start a family...他們結婚已快4年了,瓊非常渴望要個孩子。