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inkjet plotter是什麽意思


1、inkjet英 ['?k,d?et]美 ['?k,d?t]

n. 噴墨;噴墨打印機


Inkjet 噴墨,噴墨打印機,噴繪

Inkjet Cartridge 噴墨盒,打印機墨盒,打印機墨水

Inkjet Machine 噴碼機

On the nerve-wracking eve of his new, big show, I have just told the 88-year old father of pop art that there is a mistake in one of his prints (this one is an inkjet solvent print).


The devices, made using the scientists’ inkjet printing techniques, would have components that are lightweight and paper-thin.


2、plotter英 ['pl?t?(r)]美 ['plɑt?]

n. 繪圖機;陰謀者,策劃者

Plotter 繪圖儀,繪圖機,地震剖面儀

automatic plotter 自動繪圖器,自動繪圖儀,自動繪圖機

data plotter 數據繪圖儀,數據繪圖器,數據自動描繪器

You might use this format if you're going to print your report to a plotter.


For example, the Plotter can use a java.io.StreamTokenizer and discard input that includes a { (left brace) character, effectively preventing the declaration of anonymous or nested classes.

例如,Plotter 可以使用 java.io.StreamTokenizer 並刪除含有 {(左側大括號)字符的輸入,從而有效阻止了匿名或嵌套類的聲明。