古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - blur是什麽意思




vt.& vi.?塗汙,弄臟;(使)變模糊,(使)難以區分;


1、Some of the technologies I mentioned earlier?blur?these lines a bit.(我在前面提及的壹些技術使這些界線有點模糊。)

2、This will reveal some of the?blur?at the edges.(如此便為圖像邊緣添加了模糊效果。)

3、A simple Gaussian?blur?tool can create the same effect.(使用高斯模糊即可創造類似效果。)

4、Her eyes, behind her glasses, began to?blur.(她戴著眼鏡的眼睛開始看不清了。)

5、The days and nights were a?blur?of medical reports.(日日夜夜都是治療報告。)

6、Handle?blur?to perform the asynchronous server call.(處理blur來執行異步服務器調用。)

7、Software and content?blur?together in some of the most lightweight software, like casual games.(在某些最輕量級的軟件(例如休閑遊戲)中,軟件和內容會同時模糊。)

8、Step 7: Apply a diagonal motion?blur.(第七步:使用對角線動態模糊。)

9、The damp paper caused the ink to?blur.(潮紙因墨水弄上汙漬。)

10、The next few months passed in a?blur.(接下來的幾個月混混沌沌地過去。)