freelancer的意思是特約人員; 自由職業者。
1、Consequently, however,?freelancers?must be able to tolerate isolation.不過,自由職業者必須能忍受孤獨。
2、Payment would be in form of?freelancers?milestone based payments.付款將在基於裏程碑的自由職業者支付。
3、Nowadays, many college graduates choose to be?freelancers.現在許多大學畢業生成了自由職業者。
4、Working with a specific niche can make a lot of sense for a freelancer.對壹個自由職業者來說,在某個特定小眾領域內發揮自己的專長是比較靠譜的選擇。
5、When you're overworked at the office, your employer may allow you to subcontract one or two projects to a freelancer.當妳在辦公室工作太久的時候,妳的雇主會允許妳轉壹兩個項目給自由職業者做的。
6、Recently , both my?freelancer?friend 's schedule changed , as well as my own . 最近,我的兩個自由作家朋友和我壹樣改了行程。