Zombie-The Cranberries 劊子手(卡百利)
Another head hangs lowly. 又壹顆頭顱垂了下去
Child is slowly taken. 孩子在慢慢死去。
And the violence caused such silence. 暴力導致了如此令人窒息的沈寂。
Who are we mistaken ? 這是誰的錯?
But you see it's not me. 不是我的錯。
It's not my family. 也不是我家人的錯。
in your head,in your head. 在妳的腦海中,在妳的腦海中
They are fighting. 他們正在撕殺。
With their tanks,and their bombs. 用他們的坦克和炸彈。
And their bombs,& their guns. 用他們的炸彈和槍,猛烈地殺擄。
In your head. 在妳的腦海中
In your head they are crying. 在妳的腦海中,他們在哭泣。
In your head,in your head 在妳的腦海中,壹個聲音在吶喊
Zombie ! Zombie ! Zombie ! 劊子手!
What's in your head,in your head ?妳在想什麽?在妳的腦海中壹個聲音在吶喊!
Zombie ! Zombie ! Zombie ! 劊子手!
Another mother's breaking 又壹個母親的心
Heart is taking over.破碎了。
When the violence causes silence.當暴力導致沈寂的時候
We must be mistaken.壹定是我們錯了。
It's the same old theme since 1916.1916以來,我們壹直在重復同樣的錯誤。
In your head ! 在妳的腦海中
In your head they're still fighting.在妳的腦海中,他們仍然在廝殺。
With their tanks,& their bombs. 用他們的坦克和炸彈。
And their bombs,& their guns. 他們的炸彈和槍,猛烈地殺擄。
In your head ! 在妳的腦海中
In your head they are dying.在妳的腦海中他們在垂死掙紮。
In your head,in your head ! 在妳的腦海中,壹個聲音在吶喊
Zombie ! Zombie ! Zombie ! 劊子手!
What's in your head,in your head ? 妳在想什麽?在妳的腦海中壹個聲音在吶喊
Zombie ! Zombie ! Zombie ! 劊子手!