古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - custom是什麽意思 custom的中文翻譯、讀音、例句?

custom是什麽意思 custom的中文翻譯、讀音、例句?


1. Custom made weapons, that kind of thing.

翻譯:定制武器之類的 Custom made weapons, that kind of thing.。

2. (Mary from the custom service)

3. You mean there’s no such custom?

4. For such was the ancient custom:

5. There is a custom in my country which is not a custom in your country.

6. is the custom different in Naath?

翻譯:納斯島的風俗不同嗎 Is the custom different in Naath?。

7. Custom: Where is the ftting room?

8. Well, isn’t that the custom?

翻譯:Well, I -Isn’t that the custom? 哦 我…。

9. uh, Don. i guess i’m still not used to calling my superiors by their first name.


10. it’s a totally barbaric custom.

翻譯:這是野蠻的習俗。 It’s a totally barbaric custom.。

11. it’s the custom of the house

12. What kind of custom is this?

13. You’re saying Byron had it custom-made?

翻譯:妳是說拜倫訂制了壹個 You’re saying Byron had it custom -made?。

14. it is a perfect custom prison.

15. This…this is a custom job.
