02.Down By The Salley Gardens 漫步神秘園
03.The Otter''s Nest-Richie Dwyer 獺巢
04.The Level Plain(Magh seola) 地平線
05.Lotus Jones 牧童瓊斯
06.Women Of Ireland 愛爾蘭女人
07.The Legacy Jig 傳統舞曲
08.The Black Rose 黑玫瑰
09.The Mountain of Women 女人山
10.Flight of The Wild Geese 飛鵝
11.The South Wind 南來風
12.Lord Mayo ———————————————————————— 1. John Of The Glen
2. Charlie Mulvihill's/The Conspiracy
3. Pinehurst (From The Film Pinehurst)
4. The Twisting Of The Rope
5. The Munster Clock
6. The Cat's Meow
7. The Edge Of The White Rock
8. Bantry Girls Lament
9. Madame Bonaparte
10. Nuala's Bonnet/The Croton Dam
11. Homesteaders (From The Film The Way West)
12. Come By The Hills 她本人就不用介紹了吧,嘿嘿,愛爾蘭風笛大師喔。o(∩_∩)o...