多學壹點點 便車?
「便車」英文美式叫ride,英式叫lift。在西方,偶然會見到公路旁有人翹起拇指向駕車者示意,或手持寫了目的地的標示牌,那是請人家給他們搭便車,這種搭便車方式叫to hitch a ride / lift,例如:Tom's car ran out of gas, and he had to hitch a ride with a truck driver.(湯姆汽車的汽油用光了,他只有在路旁求搭便車,獲得壹位貨車司機送了壹程。)Hitch本來是「鉤住」的意思,to hitch a ride 有「用拇指把汽車鉤過來」含義。?
搭便車旅遊叫hitchhike,例如:He hitchhiked his way all over Taiwan.(他搭便車遍遊臺灣。)讓人搭便車,是to give somebody a ride / lift,例如:Can you give me a ride to Kaohsiung, please?(可以讓我搭便車去高雄嗎?)Women should not accept rides from strangers. 即「婦女不宜答應搭陌生人的便車」。?
留意to give somebody a ride 跟 to take somebody for a ride 不同。To take somebody for a ride. 是「欺騙某人」,例如:He found himself taken for a ride when the woman handed him over to the police. (那女人把他交給警方時,他才發覺自己上了當。)