米飯 rice
煲飯 rice boiled in earthen pot
菜飯 boiled rice with green vegetable
叉燒飯 rice with roasted pork fillet
咖喱飯 curry rice
鹵汁飯 mulled rice
面條 noodles
湯面 noodles in soup
炒面 fried noodles
拌面 braised noodles
長壽面 longlife noodles
陽春面 plain noodles
家禽 poultry
燒雞 roast chicken
熏雞 smoked chicken
醉雞 wined chicken
叫化雞 beggar's chicken
炸子雞 spiced spring chicken
宮保雞丁 diced chicken with paprikas
醬鴨 stewed duck with bean sauce
蔥花炒蛋 omelette with chopped scallions
燒鵝 roasted goose
北京烤鴨 roast Beijing duck
鹽水鴨 boiled salted duck
清蒸鯽魚 Steamed crucian carp
幹燒鯽魚 fried carp with pepper sauce
炒鱔絲 fried shredded finless eel
燉甲魚 steamed turtle
清炒蝦仁 fried shrimps
油爆蝦 sauteed shrimps