古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - dome怎麽讀


dome的讀法:英?[d?m],美 [do?m] ,意思是穹頂; 圓屋頂; 穹狀物; 雄偉的建築物; 穹丘; 圓丘; 半球狀屋頂; 有穹頂的體育館; 山的圓頂;變圓; 膨脹。例句如下:

1、It was intercepted by Israel's Iron?Dome?defense system near the Golan Heights.在戈蘭高地附近,火箭彈被以色列的“鐵穹”防禦系統攔截。

2、The?dome-shaped ones are larger and inhabit islands were vegetation is more abundant.圓頂形的居住在植被覆蓋較好的島嶼。

3、Italian architect celebrated for his work during the Florentine Renaissance. His greatest achievement is the octagonal ribbed dome of the Florence cathedral.布魯內萊斯基,菲利波1377-1446意大利建築師,其作品在佛羅倫薩文藝復興時期享有盛名。其傑作是佛羅倫薩大教堂的八邊形肋骨穹隆。