古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - amalgamate與merge有什麽不同呢?


摘壹段the Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms的解釋:

Merge suggests a combining in which one or more elements are lost in the whole. (“Merge”意味著結合後壹些原有元素在新整體中消失了。)

例句:In her mind reality and fantasy merged.

Amalgamate suggests the forming of a close union rather than a loss of individual identities.(“Amalgamate"意味著結合後所形成的結合體並不必然導致作為組成部分的個體的個性元素喪失)

例子:immigrants that are readily amalgamated into the population



此外,表達混合、結合、融合的意思的英語單詞還有:mingle, commingle, blend, coalesce, fuse,mix等等:these are the words that mean to combine or to be combined into a more or less uniform whole.

Mix implies a homogeneous product, but may or may not imply loss of each element's identity.

(eg. :mix the salad greens)

Mingle usually suggests that the elements are still somewhat distinguishable or separately active.(eg.: fear mingled with anticipation)

Commingle implies a closer or more thorough unity and harmoniousness. (eg.: a sense of duty commingled with a fierce pride)

Blend implies that the elements as such disappear in the resulting mixture. (to blend several teas to create a balanced brew)

Coalesce implies an affinity in the merging elements and usually a resulting organic unity. (telling details that coalesce into a striking portrait)

Fuse stresses oneness and indissolubility of the resulting product. (a buiding in which modernism and classicism are fused)