don't wanna be the girl who laughs the loudest 不想成為笑得最大聲的女孩 Or the girl who never wants to be alone 也不想成為害怕寂寞的女孩 I don't wanna be that call at 4 o'clock in the morning 不想淩晨4點打電話 'Cause I'm the only one you know in the world that won't be home 妳知道我是世上唯壹壹個不在家的人 Ahhhh-Ahhh, the sun is blinding 啊,太陽耀眼 I stayed up again 昨夜,我又失眠 Oh, I'm finding 噢,我在尋找 That's not the way I want my story to end 那不是我期待的結局 I'm safe up high, 我站在高處 Nothing can touch me 曲高和寡不勝寒 Why do I feel this party's over? 為什麽我會覺得已經曲終人散? No pain inside 心不再受傷害 You're my protection 妳是我的守護神 But how do I feel this good sober? 但我只覺得這是壹個美麗的肥皂泡 I don't wanna be the girl that has to fill the silence.. 我不想成為那個填補(妳的)空虛的女孩 The quiet scares me 'cause it screams the truth 越沈默,越驚恐,無聲的吶喊,無言的真實 Please don't tell me that we had that conversation 請不要跟我說,我們之前的談話 'Cause I won't remember, 因為我不想記起(那些言語) save your breath 'cause what's the use? 省省吧,(說那些)有什麽用? Ahhhh-Ahhh, the night is calling 啊~~暗夜裏寂寂的風聲 And it whispers to me softly, "come play" 那聲音如怨如慕:"彈壹曲泣訴" I am falling 我黯然墜落 And if I let myself go, I'm the only one to blame 如果我放任自己沈淪,又能怪誰呢 I'm safe up high, 我站在高處 Nothing can touch me 曲高和寡不勝寒 But why do I feel this party's over? 為什麽我會覺得已是曲終人散? No pain inside 心不再受傷害 You're like perfection 妳就像是我的守護神 But how do I feel this good sober? 但我只覺得這是壹個美麗的肥皂泡 Comin' down, comin' down, comin' down, 降落 下墜 沈寂 Spinnin' round, spinnin' round, spinnin' round 轉身 回望 .. Looking for myself, 尋找自我 Sober 已如泡影 Comin' down, comin' down, comin' down, 降落 下墜 沈寂 Spinnin' round, spinnin' round, spinnin' round 轉身 回望 .. Looking for myself, 尋找自我 Sober 已如泡影 When it's good, then it's good 好的時候很好 It's all good 'till it goes bad 直到壹切開始變得糟糕 'Till you try to find the you that you once had 直到妳試著去尋找自己,尋找曾經的自己 I have heard myself cry, never again! 我已經聽過自己的哭泣,不會再哭了... Broken down in agony 在痛苦中心碎 Just trying to find a friend 只想找個人來陪 Ohhh 噢 Whoahhh .... I'm safe up high, 站在高處 Nothing can touch me 無人可及 Why do I feel this party's over? 為什麽我會覺得已是曲終人散? Whoahhh No pain inside 內心無痛苦 You're like perfection 妳就像是我的保護神 But how do I feel this good sober? 但是為什麽我會覺得這只是壹個五彩斑斕的肥皂泡? Whoahhh I'm safe up high, nothing can touch me Why do I feel this party's over? Why do I feel this party's over? Whoahhh No pain inside, you're like perfection But how do I feel this good sober? Why do I feel this party's over?