古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - frastructure


13 all the hosts are in equal class in internet, no matter they belong to LAN, MAN or WAN they are all in equal class in communicating date and sharing resources.

因特網中的所有主機,無論它們是屬於LAN(局域網)、 MAN (城域網)還是WAN (廣域網),均具有同等地位;它們在進行數據通信和資源***享時具有等位性。

14 multimedia is the combination of sound, graphices, animation, video and text.


15 sever: a server is a special computer on a network that provides controls services for other computers(clients) on a net work to use, simply stated, a server provides service.


16 based on the destination address and origin, routers can even "listen" to the entire network to determine which section are busiest, then select the best path to route a message.


17 transmission control protocol(TCP) supports the network at the transport layer.


18 data: data are acollection of facts made up of numbers,characters and symbols, stored on a computer in such a way that the computer can process it,


19 A datebase is similar to a date file in that it is a storage place for date, like a date file, a datebase does not present information directly to a user, the user runs on application that accesses date form the datebase and presents it to the user in an understandable format.



20 microsoft certified system engineers(MCSES) analyze business requirements to design and implement an in frastructure solution based on the windows platform and microsoft servers software.
