古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - immigrate、emigrate、migrate有何不同?





(1) Migrate: people & animals – seasonal, not permanent

(v.) 遷徙、回遊,使用在人與動物身上,是季節性的移動而非永久性的。

(2) Immigrate: people only – permanent, move to a country

(v.) 移入,只能用在人的身上,包括永久移民至某個國家

(3) Emigrate: people only – permanent, leave a country

(v.) 移出,只能用在人的身上,包括永久移居國外


2. 練習:

(1) Monarch butterflies _______ to Mexico yearly.

(2) I want to ______ to Australia. (move there)

(3) My father moved to the U.S. from Korea. He is an _______. He ______ from Korea. (left Korea)

3. 解答:

(1) Migrate

(2) Immigrate

(3) Immigrant,?emigrated

emigrate, emigrate immigrate migrate 差別, emigrate immigrate 差別, emigrate 中文, immigrate, immigrate 中文, migrate, migrate 中文