Publications Order Form if you order direct from the Clivia Society
Please consult your Club (NZ) or Group’s (UK, USA and Australia) Representative.
P O Box 74868LYNNWOOD RIDGE 0040
South Africa
Tel + 27 12 804 8892 Fax +27 12 804 8892e-mail
Chairman Johan Spies
Treasurer Sakkie Nel
Secretary Lena van der Merwe
Surname & Initials: First name:
Postal address:
Postal / Zip code: Country:
International dialling code Area code Number
Telephone number
Fax number
E-mail address:
Please mark required items with “X” in column 1 and complete columns 4 and 5
Item Unit price
RSA No of items
Cultivation of Clivias (72 page A5 colour booklet) –Also available in Afrikaans as Kweek van Clivias R88,00
Clivia Yearbook 1998 - 72 pages*- Electronically printed after you ordered R242,00
Clivia Yearbook 2 - 80 pages* R77,00
Clivia Yearbook 3 - 80 pages* R77,00
Clivia Yearbook 4 - 80 pages* R77,00
Clivia Yearbook 5 - 112 pages*- Electronically printed after you ordered R297,00
Clivia Yearbook 6 - 80 pages* R77,00
Clivia Yearbook 7-96 pages* R77,00
Clivia Yearbook 8-112 pages * R77,00
Clivia Yearbook 9- 112 pages* R77,00
Clivia Yearbook 10-96 pages* R77,00
Clivia Yearbook 11-112 pages* R77,00
Clivia Yearbook 12 xxx pages* (in print December 2010) R77,00
Back volumes (from 1992) of newsletters are available at R19, 80 per copy.
Write down the year/s for which you need back copies: R19,80
Economy Parcel Surface Mail to be added on all orders
Payment only by credit card in South Africa, please.
* Brochures containing articles and colour photographs Total
Information required for payment by credit card
Indicate applicable card with “X” Please complete
VISA Name of card holder (as on front of card):
Card Number: Three digit code on back of card:
Applicant name: Date:
Fax (+27 12 804 8892) or e-mail ( the completed form to The Clivia Society Secretary.
Please also cc to: Sakkie Nel
Office use only