古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - busy怎麽讀音


"busy"這個詞的發音是 /?b?zi/


1. 形容詞用法:

- He is always busy with work.(他總是忙於工作。)

- The streets are busy with traffic.(街道上車流不息。)

- She has a busy schedule today.(她今天的日程很滿。)

- I'm too busy to go out tonight.(我今晚太忙了,無法外出。)

2. 動詞用法:

- I am busy studying for my exams.(我正在忙於備考。)

- He busied himself with cleaning the house.(他忙著打掃房子。)

3. 習語用法:

- keep busy:保持忙碌

- I like to keep busy by doing various activities.(我喜歡通過做各種活動來保持忙碌。)

- busy as a bee:忙得像只蜜蜂

- She is always busy as a bee, never taking a break.(她總是忙得像只蜜蜂,從不休息。)

- busybody:多管閑事的人

- Don't be a busybody and mind your own business.(不要多管閑事,管好自己的事。)