Time flies fast and leaves changes behind. Nature continues her cycles of life, which is just like flowers' coming out and later falling down. Though in the next year, the fallen flowers appear on the branch again, something that is gone may never come back, especially in our human beings' life. The changes that take place are partly accompanied with joys while partly full of sorrows.
I like the sweet changes for they make me feel that I am growing up and being mature. Of them the giantest change is my gradually increasing knowledge of science and art. When I look forwoard, I find it hopeful for a better life. I suppose it to be a positive attitude toward the future, which is the most significant for us to live happily. Things around me are also developping fast in their own pace. For example, people's financial standard is higher than before, because of which they have more access to material matters, that is, nutrient, electronics, tourism and so on.
Besides the sweet changes, I also like the bitter ones, because this kind of changes make me know that some treasures are transient and I should cherish them before they disappear. From the life experience I find that everything has two sides. While I am growing up, in another way I am meanwhile growing old. Thus, I realize that youth is transient. While some unfamiliar people changes to be my friends, I have to say goodbye to them when I move to another place. Thus, I learn to love the one I am with. Not only me but also things around me might have learnt lessons from the past and the present. Industries make our life more convenient, but environment is being destroyed. Paper is easier to get, but trees are cut down, which causes soil and water loss. Communication can be made online, but face-to-face talk is reduced. Therefore, we all learn a lesson from changes and the lesson is that we should protect things we value before they are lost.
Changes are existing in every corner in my life, and I consider both the sweet changes and the bitter changes important.