古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - consequently翻譯




1、Relations between the two companies had, consequently, never been close. 因此,兩家公司之間的關系壹直都不太親密。

2、Consequently, we should have no problem reaching our goals this year. 因此,我們達成今年的目標應該沒有問題。

3、This poses a threat to agriculture and the food chain, and consequently to human health. 這會對農業和食物鏈造成威脅,由此而危及人的健康。

4、My mother had consequently made her own shrewd deductions about what was going on in my marriage. 我母親已據此對我的婚姻狀況作出了她自己精明的推斷。

5、Consequently, even as the blogosphere continues to expand, only a few blogs are likely to emerge as focal points. 結果,盡管博客圈繼續擴大,但僅有少數的博客有可能脫穎而出,成為關註的焦點。

6、Grandfather Dingsdale had sustained a broken back while working in the mines. Consequently, he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.丁斯戴爾爺爺在礦井裏工作時被壓斷了脊骨,結果,下半輩子都與輪椅為伴了。

7、She missed the train and consequently was late for work. 她沒有趕上火車,結果上班遲到了。

8、Consequently angularities are apt to occur both below and above unconformities. 因此,交角往往出現在不整合面的上部或下部。

9、Consequently, she succeeded in making a kind of candy only using natural sweeteners, which can reduce oral bacteria . 因此,她成功利用天然甜味劑制作了壹種糖果,這種甜味劑可以減少口腔細菌。

10、Consequently, with flexible decision making enterprise can avoid loss agilely. 這樣就使得決策更具靈活性,能更好的避免損失。