古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - disturbing有幾個音素




過去式:disturbed; 過去分詞:disturbed; disturbing 基本解釋

形容詞令人不安的; 煩擾的


disturbing 網絡解釋

1. 情緒不安:PG 19 L= 題材可能會令人情緒不安(disturbing), 頻密程度屬於低(Low)PG 19 L= 題材可能會令人情緒不安(disturbing), 頻密程度屬於低(Low)PG 19 L= 題材可能會令人情緒不安(disturbing), 頻密程度屬於低(Low)

2. 煩擾的:disturb 擾亂;打擾 | disturbing 煩擾的 | dozen 十二個;幾十,許多

3. 無法忍受:my highly trained ears find...|讓我靈敏的耳朵覺得... | disturbing!|無法忍受! | Sing louder. Sing higher.|大聲點,再唱高壹點

disturbing 雙語例句


1. In order to improve the demodulator's working performance of the underwater active acoustic detecting device, a count demodulator was put forward which could overcome the disadvantages of traditional diode envelope demodulator and differentiate between the disturbing signal and the echo signal by counting the pulse numbers of input signal in 1ms.

從提高水中主動聲探測儀檢波器的工作性能角度出發,提出了壹種能夠克服傳統二極管包絡檢波器缺點的計數檢波器,通過在1 ms時間內統計輸入信號的脈沖個數,來區分幹擾脈沖和回波信號。

2. Speak to sb reprimand; tell off 責備; 訓斥: Your children are disturbing my wife; can you speak to th