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CHARLES DICKENS: THE AUTHOR AND HIS TIMES Dickens is one of the world's best-loved writers, and Great Expectations may be Dickens' most autobiographical work. The narrator of Great Expectations, Pip, is, in contrast, a man of many faults, who hides none of them from the reader. If Pip is a self-portrait, Dickens must have been a reservoir (2.儲藏, 匯集)of inferiority complexes, guilt, and shame. Many other aspects of Great Expectations are autobiographical, too. The beginning of the novel is set shortly after Dickens' birthdate (1812) in the country of his childhood--the Kentish countryside by the sea (the nearest large town is Rochester, where Miss Havisham lives). Dickens wasn't an orphan, as Pip is, but he may well have felt like one. His parents, John and Elizabeth Dickens, were sociable, pleasant people, but Mrs. Dickens was a careless housekeeper and Mr. Dickens, a minor civil servant always spent more money than he made. When Charles, who was the eldest boy, was nine, the Dickenses pulled up roots and moved to London to try to live more cheaply. Charles was appalled by the cramped, grubby house they lived in there, and even more ashamed when his father was arrested and taken to debtors' prison. The rest of the Dickenses were allowed to move into prison with their father, but twelve-year-old Charles had to live on his own outside. His mother arranged for him to get a job in a filthy, rat-infested warehouse, pasting labels on bottles of boot blacking (a kind of shoe polish). This time of his life was so miserable that he never told anyone, not even his own wife or children, about it. He was called "the young gentleman" by the other boys at the factory, who resented his air of being better than they were. But he did feel that he'd come down in life, and he developed a bitter sense of ambition and self-reliance: he vowed never to let himself be poor or in debt again. This situation lasted only a few months; then John Dickens received an inheritance from a rich aunt (a windfall of money also crops up in Great Expectations) and the family moved out of prison. After much pleading, Charles was allowed to quit his job, but he never forgave his parents for making him take it. Yet later, when he grew up and became wealthy, his irresponsible parents blithely sponged off him, until he basically had to disown them. It's no wonder that his books are full of inadequate parents who have warped their children. After leaving the warehouse, Charles was allowed to return to school, but the schoolmaster was so cruel and malicious(1.惡意的, 惡毒的) that the boy learned almost nothing (his books are full of terrible schools and teachers, too). He felt cheated because he never did get the classical education of an English gentleman; instead, he had to pick up what he could himself, mostly by reading novels and by going to the theater, which he loved his whole life long. For a while he thought about becoming an actor, but acting wasn't a respectable caree