古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - 2014專八考試常見詞匯記憶(四)


1. pesticide n. chemical substance used to kill pest. 殺蟲劑

 e.g.: The flee-infested room had to be sprayed with a strong pesticide.

 2. devastating adj. very destructive 毀滅性的

 e.g.: WWI was a devastating war.

 派生詞匯 devastate vt. 使荒蕪;毀滅,蹂躝;破壞 devastated adj. 被破壞的 devastative adj.破壞性的,毀滅性的 devastator n. 蹂躝者,劫掠者

 3. mutation n. a change or alteration inform or qualities (形式或性質的)變化

 e.g.: Monocultures are a case of such mutation. 單栽培就是這樣的壹種變化。

 派生詞匯 mutant n. 突變體 mutational adj. 突變的 mutationism n.突變主義;突變論 mutationist n. 突變主義者

 4. equilibrium n. state or being balanced 平衡狀態

 e.g.: He cannot maintain enough equilibrium to ride a bike.

 必背搭配 be in equilibrium (with ); reach equilibrium with

 5. concord n. harmony or agreement of interests of feelings; accord 興趣或感覺協調壹致;和諧

 e.g.: We should live in concord with neighbor.

 必背搭配 in concord; live in concord with sb.

 派生詞匯 concordance n. 協議;和諧

 6. bombay n. compartment in an aircraft for carrying bombs 炸彈艙

 e.g.: The bombay in the aircraft was full.

 派生詞匯 bombard vt. ① 炮擊;轟炸 ②痛斥,(連珠炮似地)質問

 7. inauspicious adj. having signs which show that future success is unlikely 不祥的

 e.g.: This is an inauspicious occasion.

 派生詞匯 inauspiciously adv. 不吉祥地,不利地 inauspiciousness n. 不吉祥,不利

 8. smashed adj. drunk (俚)喝醉的

 e.g.: He was smashed last night.

 9. galley n. long flat ship, usually rowed by slaves or criminals 平底大船

 e.g.: The goods is carried by a galley.

 10. pacify vt. To calm or soothe the anger or distress of sb. 使某人安靜

 e.g.: He tried to pacify his creditors by repaying part of the money.

 派生詞匯 pacifiable adj. 可被調解的,可被平息的

 11. topsail n. a kind of canvas poled with mast (海)上桅帆

 e.g.: The topsails were used in voyage.

 12. port

 ①n. strong, sweet wine made in Portugal 波爾圖葡萄酒

 e.g.: This is port, a kind of famous wine. Do you want to have a try?

 a place on a waterway with facilities for loading and unloading ships 港口

 e.g.: The destroyer moored to the port. 驅逐艦泊入了港口

 ②vt. to turn(a craft ) or make a shift to the port side 向左轉(舵)或向左舷轉移

 e.g.: The big ship was slowly porting.

 13.Burgundy n. any of various types of red or white wine from the Burgundy area of France 勃墾第葡萄酒

 e.g.: Burgundy is made in France.

 14.vice versa adv. The other way round, with the terms or conditions reversed 反之亦然,反過來情況也壹樣

 e.g.: We gossip about them and vice versa, i.e. they gossip about us.

 15. paralysis n. loss of feeling in control of a part of the body, caused by a disease of or an injury to the nerves; inability to move or function 麻痹,癱瘓;停滯不能移動或運行

 e.g.: The paralysis affects his right leg and he can only walk with difficulty.

 派生詞匯 paralytic adj. 癱瘓的;(BrE)爛醉的 paralyze vt. 使癱瘓;引起癱瘓 paralization n. 無力,關閉 paralyzer n. 麻痹藥



 The city was __1__ by the enemy.

 The UN troops are working to __2__Bosnia.

 ?__3__ the helm!? the captain shouted.

 She hates him and __4__.

 The depression caused a __5__ of trade.


 1. bombarded

 2. pacify

 3. Port

 4. vice versa

 5. paralysis