1、I have said that the soul is not more than the body。And I said that the body is no more than the soul。And nothing,not God is greater than one, than one itself is。
2、They taught me the meaning of loyalty that you should never forget anyone that you loved.
3、The distance between life and death, for a dog, it cannot fathom, it only believe, his master will come back. It's life as a water passage, one point one year after year in bluestone station. As a dog, it has its principles, never abandon, regardless of sickness and death. It was lying there, ten years, and a landscape. For life or for death, however separated, to our wives we pledged our word.
生與死的距離,對於壹條狗來說,它無法參透,它只相信,他的主人會回來。 它的生命如壹註流水,壹點壹點在車站的青石臺上年復壹年地流逝。作為壹只狗,它有它的原則,不離不棄,不論生老病死。它臥在那裏,十年,透徹成壹種風景。死生契闊,與子成說。
4、Whether it is waiting for the previous owner, or waiting for me, I feel very touched, very happy." It teaches us the meaning of loyalty -- should never forget the people you love.
5、Moved to new leaves to be deciduous, and how many conversion cycle, the only constant is standing waiting figure. Waiting for the silent witness to their most sincere, the most pure love, also deeply touched by people......
《急速蝸牛》No dream is too big,and no dreamer is too small.夢想再大也不嫌大,追夢的人再小也不嫌小。Everybody's got that one thing that makes them happy.For me,it's terrifying blazing speed.每個人都能找到壹樣讓他愉悅的事情,對我而言,那就是驚人的速度。-Put all that racing nonsense behind you and start living your life.-I have a life.-把那些荒謬的賽車理想都拋諸腦後,開啟妳真正的生活吧!-賽車就是我的生活。
Life became gray and flavorless. 人生灰暗,索然無味。
But when all seemed lost, I stared at defeat... 但生活在給妳關上壹扇門的時候,
...and found hope. 必會給妳打開壹扇窗。
The world needs your originality, Flint. 世界需要妳的創造力,Flint。
You just have to grow into it. 妳只要成長起來就好了。
And I know that you're gonna do big things someday. 我知道今後妳將成就壹番事業。
From that moment on... 從那時起,
...I was determined to invent something great. 我決心要發明出超棒的東西。
Have you ever felt like you were a little bit different?妳是否曾覺得自己有點兒與眾不同?
Like you had something unique to offer the world...像是妳就是那匹千裏馬,
...if you could just get people to see it. ...只要有伯樂欣賞,
Then you know exactly how it felt... 這樣的話妳就能知道,
...to be me. 我的感覺。
Go ahead, Flint. 放手去幹吧,Flint。