01. 《Be Without You》 — Mary J. Blige
Album: Reflections - A Retrospective 2006,12
Feature: Queen of Hip Hop Soul; R & B Style combined with Rap; Powerful Voice
D-linkage: /3896773278604374
中文介紹:這首歌有著濃厚的R & B曲風,加上美國嘻哈黑人女天王極具力度的聲線,深入人心。
02. 《As Long As You Love Me》 — Backstreet Boys
Album: Backstreet's Back 2000,12
Feature: Melodious Chorus; Bring the Youth Time; Soft and Mild Rhythm
D-linkage: /7486934468466129
03. 《Complicated》 — Avril Lavigne
Album: Let Go 2004, 3
Feature: Young Creative Singer; Bearing Popular Rock Style; Dance Music
D-linkage: /7771279236619755
04. 《Flying Without Wings》 — Westlife
Album: Unbreakable: Greatest Hit 1 2002,13
Feature: Plain but also Roused; Lyrical Style; Feeling like Flying in a Wide Sky
D-linkage: /9359385467457110
05. 《God Is A Girl》 — Groove Coverage
Album: Covergirl 2002,11
Feature: Multi-elementary Band; Ringing and Sliver Voice
D-linkage: /1297472756938170
06. 《Where Is The Love》 — Black Eye Peas
Album: Elephuck 2003,6
Feature: Something of Sincere Inside; Combining Rap with Soft Lyric
D-linkage: /6553433448813756
07. 《I Think of You》 — Tata Young
Album: I Believe 2004,3
Feature: Warm tune; Touching
D-linkage: /1916643719812611
中文介紹:Tata Young的音樂散發著當代年輕人最愛流行節奏及繽紛色彩,這是其中溫馨的壹首抒情慢謠。
08. 《Stan》 — Eminem
Album: The Marshall Mathers LP 2000,5
Feature: Pondering the human nature; Like a story;featuring Dido
D-linkage: /9506119947328737
中文介紹:說唱藝人Eminem總是用歌聲訴說著對人性的批判,當加入了女歌手 Dido 的作品 Thank You 中的壹段後,歌中便散發著了特別的韻味。
09. 《Forever Friends》 — Remedios
Album: Unclassified
Feature: showing a reminiscent mood; a parting song
D-linkage: /2680807421763111
10. 《We Are The World》 — Michael Jackson
Album: The Ultimate Collection 2004,11
Feature: The King of Pop; always emotive sound; solo version; influencing & inspiring lyrics; D-linkage: /1704854095384684
推薦歌曲:《Katrina》,《Just One Last Dance》,《One Love》,《Perfect Moment》,《When Christmas Comes to Town》, 《You Are Beutiful》, 《Apologize》etc.
1.《NBA Live 06 Soundtrack》(Representative: 《Remember The Name》—Fort Minor)
2.《WWE: Great Hits The Music 2007》(Representative: 《Slow Chemical》—Finger Eleven)