古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - 2012中文臺詞英文原版




"We must go

"Do not go anywhere


It is my pap?

No way



We will not do

Take my hand!

Here we go!

Well now you have your map

Where are we going?


We will need a larger aircraft

I'll call you next week

at the same time


I think you have to do this

He's almost is in

a wheelchair

And this very confused because

I am very confident

that will

on their own terms

"Who will bring?


Who? My exwife? The last time

said he wanted to see me again

So be

We will bring people to contribute

There are a number of major earthquakes

this is where I had

about million people

The devastation goes beyond

of imagination

Left people on the streets

desperately fighting

last resort

In the last hour received this video

from brazil

The chaos has reached worldwide

Everything has been suspended

Thousands of people demanding

information that passes

These are consequences

We have reports


Millions and millions around the world

In desperate prayer

Religious groups take it

as the end of the world

Who is going to realize

it would be so soon

We are now ready er

That's the plan

That's right remember?

These plahnaecse sdeodsear駌uomsbaron

All above

It is true that people have the

right to fight for their lives?

After we carry

all aboard Adrian

That is wrong

Just say what you do?

It would be anarchy

Want to endanger

the group's president?

Our mission is to ensure

survival of the species

Any questions?

I have ocntigo?



They're here sir

Are preparing

We have to go by


"Where is the president?

"He wants some time alone

This preparation work

This praying Mr and given the circumstances

not a bad idea

Mr President I have to carry it

Force immediately No

"Give me a moment

"I do not have time sr

Make time

Do not have one

The night he died took my hand

and said

I think you should

have a

A chance to go

Now that it is moemnto

Be the last US president

It is not easy son

No one can save the country Mr

But I think people

has a right to know

Do not worry I order? It

Now go

Not without you Mr

Get on the plane son

I have a prayer for the world

And worth more scientific unjoven

that politicians

Are these crazy stories

a Jackson?

As we get to China eh?

Not even thought that

get out of California

It is not safe

You have positive confirmation of this?

Thanks and understood

President not coming

Want to leave this ship

it is your choice髇

and is something noble

I've learned to be

President's advisor

We're out of Pitsburg

Unfortunately we have protocols


And the speech?

In this chaos there is no way?

"He is commander in chief

"I tell you this this plane

"Let's go

Mr you do not have the authority

Who has the authority?

You have it?

You should keep your mouth shut

"If you kill beam filtering information

"From the hell you talking about?

You told your father all

You put in jeopardy this plane

that good porti your father's mouth fell

We have monitors nobody has

portanto a secret time

Then kill all who

try to talk?

Anyone who tries to speak

not only an enemy of the state

is an enemy of mankind

was director of the Loom

an enemy of mankind?

I was going to give a press conference

God you think? Perhaps everyone

is the plane?

Sit down and shut up

The President is on the line

Never would have boarded the plane

if you would have told

But you said

Understand what I try?

There is now only say

the truth to people

The least they know

may not dismiss each other

a mother can not

let your child well

And a father

have to ask forgiveness

Mr President

This will be the last time

they speak

As you know the catasztrofes have

destroyed our nation

And worldwide

ojala could tell

we can avoid


But we can

Today ninegsuunnoedxternao駍ootros

Today we are a family

Walking into the darkness together

We are a nation rich

in religion

But I think this word

came to mind

From all of us

The world is

What are you doing here?

It is a patient

Sorry I have a problem


You knew all the time

We must leave here

Got a plane?

I want to take my family

They're out

Yes but I need

we have a pilot

No I am

Yes it is

Move it let's go

It's a Jet stop saying

I am a pilot

That's a big Avion

Is Russian



Look at all these

The Car Show in Las Vegas



Ok I try

What the hell are they doing?

Take off immediately

Must abort

What the hell was that?

Come on down!

Take care

What do you mean to take charge?

Breathe deeply

Now go!

Come on baby

We shot the Tower?

I think so

Ladies and gentlemen

Do not believe things just because

You heard Nima

But much Lama Tenzin is my brother

He works within a large tunnel

where ships are built

But what in their wisdom

great Lama Tenzin is right if

And if the world really

is coming to an end?

This full great Rinpoche

As this cup

these full of opinions

and speculation

To see the light of wisdom

vaciartu must first cup

Beware of the Clutch

Tends to safarze

Grandfather Nima is here

Grandma I have a message Tenzin

Quiere que lo veamos en Cho Ming

al oeste

dice que podemos ir

a donde el esta trabajando

Are you talking about?

Tenzin trabaja en lo maldito


El maldito es una nave!

The government lied to us

There will be a great fall!

We pack up and go

Nima hechanos hand

We'll travel to

Song Ferrua

The grandfather shot

First we eat

It s閡lpao駈oesiqguueefunteeras

but cancel by ships

How many cars does your family?

My parents are divorced also

If you can not do

nothing about

You must be Ms Dr

As you can see not so well

as you

A boyfriend asked me to


Enga馻her husband?

"No Soil tablo

Get along eh

Tell me how much you pay?

One billion euros

per seat

That's disgusting

You know when I was a business agent

Just thought about this

Anyone else want to bite

Perimero have to kill you

Look are neither amazing駉s

Maybe want to

What is it?

The state of Hawaii

That is not good

That is not good

We'll have to go elsewhere


I lost in Las Vegas

I do not feel cood

All the people who

we leave behind

They have no chance do you?

I think that the nature

itself is elected by

Most survive

I can not llevarloa qui

Da Vinci Picasso Rembrandt

Nobody will have l aoportunidad

Not necessarily true

Have you heard about

Curtis Jackson?

This is your book

If the odds of being

in this plane

"No Compend

I mean who can call DeTina

or nature no matter

This is part of Liro

legacy now


Because I'm reading

Helmsley Dr porfavorreporte

their situation in mid

"Sorry who is?

"I'm Racko or that

Ocn Qiere talk my dad?

Yes please


Tell them

You are my grandfather?

If I am駉cari

Daddy Grandpa this

the phone

Why not have taken her?

Encontrare your daddy

"I mean yes Mr

"Do not worry about it

Where is the center?

The Russian president is

on line


We just entering its airspace

Mr President until our

communication is restored

I guess I'm in charge

It seems that everyone

and also our

decided to stay back

We are about to arrive

Dr Helmsley

"To which degree

A degrees and continue moving

The miss

Consider the simulation

These formations are expected

Unfortunately the scale is huge

My dad is on a cruise

But I think you're right

Mr going to

At this point it is confirmed that

most of this already under water

Please keep in touch

You are not alone

No boat would make it

Definitely we will try

In Yellowstone was close


You think people change?

Think that changes

did we parted?

You wanted us out

You love him?


All communication

We need good news

Tsunamis are expected on every continent

Will be impacted by approximately hrs

It seems that casii are at degrees


Also the data show that

reverse the magnetic fields

No position

You say the North Pole is now

somewhere in Wisconsin?

In fact this is now the South Pole

We must go

How much is left?


Best go with the no駉s

Are you talking about?

A mi no me gusta

It's really good when

arrive there

You should talk to her

I will like her mama

Papa's going on?

We seem enough

Grandpa I'm not good swimming

You have to listen

What happened to go to China?

We will not get

It's what we do

"We will not die


We will not die

I promise that estaremosjuntos

whatever happens

You better come up here

We are getting near

to be exact


The film begins in year 2009, when there is a huge explosion on the surface of the sun. We then see Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor), an American scientist, traveling to a copper mine in India to meet his friend, who discovered that Earth's temperature is increasing rapidly. He returns to Washington D.C. and submits a report to his supervisor, who immediately takes him to the president. In 2010, we see the President of the United States tell other heads of state the situation (the world is ending) and we also see billionaires all over the world buying plane tickets for untold sums of money. In 2011 the original of The Mona Lisa in the Louvre is replaced with a decoy, and is sealed away for unknown reasons.

The story jumps ahead to 2012. Jackson Curtis (John Cusack), a divorced father who works as a limousine driver and writer, and his ex-wife, Kate Curtis (Amanda Peet), and children, Noah (Liam James) and Lily (Morgan Lily), who live with Kate's new boyfriend, Gordon (Thomas McCarthy). Jackson takes his children on a camping trip to Yellowstone, where he meets Charlie Frost, who hosts a radio segment that addresses the Mayans' prediction. Charlie mentions a map of where special ships are, but Jackson assumes he is a rambling drunk and leaves him. Kate and Gordon and in a super market buying groceries when the floor begins to crack and the supermarket is split in half. Jackson gets a call that he has to return from camping with the kids. Jackson arrives at the house and drops the kids off, and takes his limo to a job. He goes to the house of Russian billionaire Yuri Karpov. Jackson takes Yuri, his children and his girlfriend to the airport. The children make cruel comments to Jackson, and as they board the plane, they mention they have tickets to board the ships and Jackson doesn't. This leads Jackson to believe Charlie's story, and he rents a plane. Jackson hurries to Kate's house and picks up her, the kids, and Gordon as the house collapses and a massive earthquake begins. They drive through L.A while it is being destroyed and arrive just in time at the airport.

When they get to Santa Monica Airport, the pilot that Jackson hires is killed by a falling structure. Kate mentions that Gordon knows how to fly (gordon protest's, he has only had a few lessons) so they tell him to fly the plane out of L.A. From the sky, we see L.A sinking into the Pacific Ocean. Jackson announces they have to get to Yellowstone to get the map from Charlie. They fly there and Jackson goes looking for Charlie. He finds his R.V and takes it out looking for Charlie, and he finds him at the top of a hill waiting for the impact. Charlie tells Jackson where the map is and he rushes back to the R.V as a massive explosion goes off, hurtling rocks in every direction. Jackson gets to the plane and they take off for China.

The group lands in Las Vegas and they meet Yuri. Yuri's plane is damaged, but he and Sasha, Yuri's pilot, find a cargo plane that carries automobiles. Las Vegas is destroyed by earthquakes and ravaged by the impeding volcanic ash cloud of Yellowstone. Yuri has 2 children and his girlfriend with him.

While in the air, the group learns that the plane does not have enough fuel to reach China: they've passed Honolulu, Hawaii, which has been inundated in lava. As they're about to ditch the plane they discover that they are no longer above the ocean: the Earth's crust has shifted thousands of miles and they are heading towards the Himalayas. During a crash landing on a glacier they manage to escape from the plane safely by using one of the luxury vehicles in cargo as a raft. The group ditches the car and a helicopter lands, they ask for tickets and Yuri shows his three tickets. He goes on the helicopters with his 2 children and leaves his girlfriend and the group behind.

The group eventually find their way to the ships with the help of some locals and are smuggled aboard with the help of a Buddhist monk and a construction worker. Gordon dies as they board. Tsunamis begin to engulf the Indian peninsula, and a giant wave eventually reaches the ships, which turn out to be arks constructed to save the heads of state, hand-picked individuals chosen to repopulate the earth and the rich elite, who could afford to buy tickets. A massive flood is heading towards the ship, and due to a wire left by Jackson in the ships gate, the gate isnt able to close, and the engines arent able to start. Jackson manages to get the gates closed just in time, and the ships cruise off. A title appears that says Day 27 Month 01 Year 01. The group is living on the ark, and Jackson and Kate seem to have gotten back together. The captain of the ship learns that Africa was able to miss catastrophe and is safe to venture too. The ship heads for Africa, and a view from space shows all continents have moved together and are in the shape of Africa.