古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - 20個電視節目的英語名稱



TV Program

新聞聯播 CCTV News

東方時空 Oriental Horizon

實話實說 Straight Talking

焦點訪談 Topics in Focus

新聞調查 News Probe

經濟30分 Economic 30 Minutes

社會經緯 Net of Justice

第二起跑線 Second Start

夕陽紅 Sunset Glow

春節聯歡晚會 Spring Festival Gala Evening

綜藝大觀 Super Variety Show

戲迷園地 Garden for Opera Fans

大風車 Big Pinwheel

萬家燈火 Twinkling Lights

天涯***此時 Time Together Across the Strait

中華藝苑 Centre Stage

中國文藝 China Showbiz

旅行家 Travelogue

華夏風情 China Kaleidoscope

中華醫藥 Traditional Chinese Medicine

東方家園 Oriental Homeland

東方時尚 Oriental Fashion



The TV program producer is prerequisite and foundation that the market system of TV program forms; broadcaster market is the condition that the value and use-value realizing of TV products. Agent market is the important link or channel among audience market, advertising investment market and government organs market. Investor market is the economic guarantee that the market system of TV program plays a whole role. So, it must set up scientific TV program market system to give play to the role of industry of the TV.