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distribution department是什麽意思

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distribution department是什麽意思




distribution: n. 1.分配,分發,配給;分配裝置[系統];配給品;配 ...

department: n. 1.部門;〔美國〕部(= 〔英國〕 ministr ...


1. While major film companies have their own distribution departments , smaller independent filmmakers usually rely on distribution companies to sell their films in overseas markets


2. While major film companies have their own distribution departments , smaller independent filmmakers usually rely on distribution companies to sell their films in overseas markets


3. Mr . allen mok , hongkong post s general manager ( electronic services ) ( middle ) , mr . li shu - pui , head of banking development department from the hong kong monetary authority ( hkma ) ( left ) and mr . vincent hui , head of e - distribution department of the bank of east asia ( bea ) ( right ) provided updates on the latest e - banking developments , and the safety measures recently introduced - including e - cert - as the means of protecting the interests of online banking service providers as well as their customers

香港郵政於二四年三月十壹日在太古廣場舉行"香港郵政電子證書及網上銀行安全須知"新聞簡報會。香港郵政總經理(電子服務)莫國榮(中) 、香港金融管理局銀行業拓展處處長李樹培(左)以及東亞銀行電子銀行業務部主管許文森(右)於會上闡述網上銀行服務的最新發展,並介紹包括電子證書的最新安全措施,以保障市民及銀行的利益。

4. The total purchases include : ( 1 ) agricultural and industrial products purchased from producers ; ( 2 ) books , magazines and newspapers purchased from distribution departments of the publishers ; ( 3 ) commodities purchased from wholesale and retail establishments of different status of registration ; ( 4 ) commodities purchased from other units , such as surplus materials purchased from government agencies , enterpriese or institutions , commodities purchased from catering and service establishments , confiscated goods purchased from customs authorities or market management agencies , second - hand goods and wastes purchased from residents ; and ( 5 ) commodities directly imported from abroad

商品購進總額包括: ( 1 )從工農業生產者購進的商品; ( 2 )從出版社、報社的出版發行部門購進的圖書、雜誌和報紙; ( 3 )從各種經濟類型的批發零售貿易企業(單位)購進的商品; ( 4 )從其他單位購進的商品,如從機關、團體、企業、單位購進的剩余物資,從餐飲業、服務業購進的商品,從海關、市場管理部門購進的緝私和沒收的商品,從居民收購的廢舊商品等; ( 5 )從國(境)外直接進口的商品。

5. Mr . allen mok , hongkong post s general manager ( electronic services ) , hosted the briefing together with two guest speakers mr . li shu - pui , head of banking development department from the hong kong monetary authority ( hkma ) , and mr . vincent hui , head of e - distribution department of the bank of east asia ( bea )


6. The newest techniques of computer , software and communication are applied to this system . according to the network characteristic of power business - distribution department , it apply the technique of decision support system ( dss ) , on - line analysis process ( olap ) and business object ( bo ) to the decision support system of electrical power in order to realize the computer management and mutual unite with outside system of its business

該系統應用最新的計算機技術、軟件技術及通信技術,針對營銷部的工作特點,將決策支持系統( dss )和在線分析處理( olap ) 、 businessobject ( bo )技術運用於電力系統營銷中建立的電力營銷決策支持系統,實現其業務的計算機管理,建立營銷部的辦公自動化系統,實現與外界系統的互聯。

7. The total purchases include : ( 1 ) agricultu ral and industrial products purchased from producers ; ( 2 ) books , magazines and n ewspapers purchased from distribution departments of the publishers ; ( 3 ) commodi ties purchased from wholesale and retail establishments ; ( 4 ) commodities purchas ed from other units , such as surplus materials purchased from government agencie s , enterprises or institutions , commodities purchased from catering and service establishments , confiscated goods purchased from customs authorities or market management agencies , second ? hand goods and wastes purchased from residents ; and ( 5 ) commodities directly imported from abroad

商品購進總額包括: ( 1 )從工農業生產者購進的商品; ( 2 )從出版社、報社的出版發行部門購進的圖書、雜誌和報紙; ( 3 )從各種經濟類型的批發零售貿易企業(單位)購進的商品; ( 4 )從其他單位購進的商品,如從機關、團體、企業單位購進的剩余物資,從餐飲業、服務業購進的商品,從海關、市場管理部門購進的緝私和沒收的商品,從居民收購的廢舊商品等; ( 5 )從國(境)外直接進口的商品。