古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - 2018-11-02每日壹詞appeal


appeal既可以做動詞,也可以作為名詞,名詞意思也分很多種,分別為:呼籲、懇請、懇求;為正義事業的募捐;上訴、申訴;吸引力、感染力,今天主要學習表示“吸引力 & 感染力”含義的用法,其英英釋義:a quality that something has that makes people like it or want it

當我們想表達“吸引力” “魅力”時,除了想到用“attraction” “more popular” 造句外,還可以想到用 appeal。


① 我們想說經典的文學作品有持久的魅力,就可以說:

The classics have timeless? appeal .

② 我們現在常說的“為…打call”,其實也是在說為某人或某物做點事情,讓他/它更受歡迎。比如我們在社群中就壹直向大家推薦 ?William Zinsser 的寫作聖經 On Writing Well :

Phenomenal English has been broadening the? appeal? of? On Writing Well .

③ “appeal”前面也可以加形容詞,表明在某壹方面的吸引力,比如 commercial/visual/aesthetic appeal,分別指“商業上的/視覺上的/藝術上的吸引力。


Some paintings lose their? aesthetic? appeal? over time.


The main? appeal? of Australia to their families, they say is that it is not racked by civil war.




動詞(verb) + appeal

appeal + 動詞(verb)

appeal + 介詞(prep)



The Economist ?has wide appeal for students who want to improve their English writing skills.

The Economist ?has popular appeal for students who want to improve their English writing skills.


造句:Electronics have growing appeal for little children who are lacking parents' accompaniment