1、Fortunately,conversion is automatic.(幸運的是,轉換是自動的。)
2、The experiment is carried out on voiceconversion of 5 vowels from international phonetic symbols and speech.(實驗對國際音標和語音中的5個元音進行了語音轉換。)
3、Plants also convert carbon dioxide into different forms of carbon-containing molecules and theconversion process used relies on the very same enzyme that works in humans.(植物也會將二氧化碳轉化成不同形式的含碳分子,而轉化過程所使用的酶與人體內的酶完全相同。)
4、Does Video Improve Yourconversion Rates?(視頻是否會改善網站的轉化率。)
5、One of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation—conversion of liquid water to water vapor.(其中之壹是通過蒸發的方式,把液態水轉化為水蒸氣——來減少海洋中的水分。)
6、Well, it's aconversion factor.(這是壹種換算因子。)