one
two,
one
two,
one
and
one
is
two
壹二,壹二,壹加壹等於二
you
were
meant
for
me,
i
was
meant
for
you
妳因我而存在,我為妳而生
tell
me
that
you
love
me,
want
me,
need
me
in
your
life
告訴我,妳愛我,想要我,需要我出現在妳的生命中
cause
i
got
love
so
come
and
take
a
dive
into
my
world
因為我感受到了愛,所以,來吧並傾心遊弋於我的世界之中吧
share
this
world
with
me
i
hope
you're
gonna
wanna
stay
right
here
與我分享這世界,我希望妳會願意守候在這裏
you
see
this
is
the
day
this
is
a
way
so
let
us
sing
a
song
and
make
it
stay
妳瞧,就在今天,這條路,所以讓我們同唱壹首歌並使它永駐長存
(順子)
please
i
gotta
write
a
little
tune
for
you
to
express
nothing
less
than
pure
love
for
you
妳聽,我為妳寫了壹首小曲子來表達我對妳的無可比擬的純美愛情
ya
see,
i'm
the
kind
of
woman
that
妳瞧,我就是這種女人
well,
i
don't
like
to
keep
my
feelings
inside,
gotta
let
it
outside
let
the
world
know
how
much
i
feel
for
you
我不喜歡把我的感覺置於心中,而是表達出來,讓世界任何壹個角落都知道我對妳的感覺是怎樣的幻妙
i
even
wrote
a
love
song
dedicated
to
you
我甚至還寫了壹首情歌送給妳
so
if
ya
miss
me,
really
miss
me,
why
don't
ya
come
closer
and
kiss
me,
kiss
me
所以,若妳想我,真的想我的話,那為什麽不走近我...吻我,吻我...
依照個人學識和理解翻譯的,英文中有壹些錯誤,我已經更正:)