About a lucky man who made a grade, 關於壹個幸運的人壹種品位,
And though the news was rather sad, 雖然這個消息很難過,
Well, I just had to laugh. 巨大的管?不笑。
I saw the photograph.我看到這張照片
He blew his mind out in a car,他就從他的頭腦在壹輛車裏,
He didn’t notice that the lights have changed,他沒有註意到燈號已經改變了,
A crowd of people stood and stared,壹群人站在那裏,睜大眼睛,
They’ve seen his face before, 他們已經看到了他的臉前
Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords.沒有人真的知道他出了上議院。
I saw a film today, oh boy, 今天我看了壹部電影,哦,好家夥,
The English army had just won the war, 英國軍隊剛剛贏得了戰爭,
A crowd of people turned away, 壹群人轉消,
But I just had a look, 但是我剛剛看了,
Having read a book, I’d like to turn you on...讀完壹本書,我想
Woke up, fell out of bed,醒來時,從床上跌下,
dragged a comb across my head, 在拖著我的頭梳,
found my way downstairs and drank a cup,發現我下樓喝杯方式,
and looking up I noticed I was late.和我擡頭壹看,發現我遲到了。
Found my coat and grabbed my head,發現我的外套,搶了我的頭,
made the bus in second flat,公***汽車在第二平了,
found my way upstairs and had a smoke,我走上樓去,發現了壹支煙,
and somebody spoke and I went into a dream和某人說話了,我進了壹個夢想
I read a news today, oh boy,我讀壹個新聞今天,哦,好家夥,
four thousand holes in Blackburn Lancashire,四千個洞在布萊克本蘭開夏郡,
and though the holes were rather small,而且雖然這孔太小了,
they had to count them all,他們不得不指望他們,
now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall, 現在他們知道需要多少孔洞填補阿爾伯特音樂廳,
I’d love to turn you on. 我想