古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - community是什麽意思


community: [ k?0?5'mju:niti ]

n. 社區,團體


[ 名詞復數communities ]


1. He worked in community welfare department.

他在社會福利部工作。 2. Everyone should invest some time in community service.

每個人都應該花些時間在社區服務上。 3. His speech was an affront to all members of the community.

他的話對社區所有成員是故意的侮辱。 4. A town of southwest Connecticut north of Bridgeport. It is a residential community with varied industries. Population, 32,016.

特朗布爾,約拿丹1710-1785美國政治家,曾經任康涅狄格殖民地總督,獨立戰爭期間為大陸軍提供給養及支持 5. Here is a local Jewish community.

這是當地猶太人的壹個社區。 6. The money will go to finance a new community centre.

這些錢將用來資助壹個新社區中心。 7. His wife has become a woman of some standing in the community.

他的妻子在那個群體中成為頗有地位的女子。 8. More state help is needed for the disadvantaged sections of the community.
