Amy likes apples
Apple, apple, apple
Aa says a a
Apple, apple, apple
Blue bird, blue bird
What do you say?
I say B ?b?
Blue, blue bird
Candy cat, candy cat.
What do you say?
I say C?c?.
Candy , candy cat.
Dolly duck, dolly duck
What do you say?
I say D ?d?
Dolly duck, dolly duck
Elephant, elephant.
Come with me.
Ee says ?e e?.
Egg, egg treat.
Funny fish, funny fish.
What do you say?
I say F?f?.
Funny, funny fish
Green,green grass. Honey hen, honey hen.
Green,green grass. Honey , honey hen.
Gg says : ?g
g? . Hh says ?h h?.
Green,green grass. Honey hen, honey hen.
Indian, Indian.
Please come inside.
I says ?in in?.
In in in.
Jumpy Jack, jumpy Jack.
Jump, jump, jump.
J says ?J J?.
Jumpy, jumpy Jack.
Kick, kick, kick.
Kangaroos kick.
Kk says ?k k?.
Kick, kick ,kick.
Lazy lion, lazy lion.
What do you say?
I say l ?l?.
Lazy , lazy lion.
Miss mouse mouse.
Live in this house house.
M says :m: :m:.
Miss mouse moise.
No, no, no.
Nobody knows.
A像牛角倒著長, B像兩間小房子, C是駱駝脖子彎, D像門兒壹大扇,
E是窗戶帶光明, F木樁栓牛羊, G是駱駝的頭和頸, H籬笆三個樁,
I是手指壹根根, I長尾巴就是J, K像手掌握抓東西, L像把小鞭子,
M波浪滾滾來, NX是條條小海魚, 圓圓的眼睛是個O, P是嘴巴不像嘴,
Q尾巴掛小猴, R大頭娃娃站, 口中牙齒是S, T像標記掛牛耳,
V是u、y、w的老祖宗, Y是大姆翹起來, 希臘語中Z象2
Good, better, best,
never let it rest,
till good is better,
and better is best.
I shall not see the shadows,
I shall not feel the rain,
I shall not hear the nightingale
Sing on as if in pain,
And dreaming through the twilight,
That doth not rise nor set,
Happy I may remember,
And Haply I may forget.
Evening red and morning gray,
Send the traveler on his way,
Evening gray and morning red,
Bring the rain upon his head.
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