首先我們來看下fight with和fight against的大致意思:
fight with:詞性為動詞短語,fight:戰鬥;with:與某人或某物壹起
fight against:詞性為動詞短語,fight:戰鬥;against:對抗某事物或某種情況
通過下面的表格我們了解下fight with和fight against的含義、發音和用法
接下來讓我們看下fight with和fight against的用法區別:
1.搭配用法:fight with通常指與某人或某物壹起戰鬥,表明參與者之間的聯合行動;fight against通常指與某事物或某種情況進行鬥爭或抵抗,表明參與者在對抗某種力量或行為
- They fought with the enemy together.
- We must fight against pollution.
2.搭配動詞:fight with通常與動詞搭配,表示與某人或某物壹起使用某種方式或手段進行戰鬥;fight against通常與名詞或動名詞搭配,表示與某種力量、行為或情況進行戰鬥
- They fought with swords against the enemy.
- They are fighting against the disease in the long term.
3.語氣:fight with通常暗示參與者之間有壹定的協作或聯合行動;fight against通常暗示參與者在對抗某種對立力量或行為
- We should unite and fight with injustice together.
- They are fighting against time, striving to combat aging.
4.對象:fight with通常指與具體的人或物進行戰鬥;fight against通常指與抽象的力量、行為或情況進行戰鬥
- They fought with fists.
- They are fighting against poverty.