問路的英語ask for directions
1、基於Web GIS的城市公交問路系統。An Inquiring System for Urban Public Traffic Based on Web GIS.
2、基於GIS的公交出行問路決策支持系統。Asking the Way System of Bus Transportation Based on GIS.
3、旅行者攔住了壹個過路人,向他問路。The tourist stopped a passers-by and asked him the way.
4、如果是這樣的情況,就用這個特別的方式問路。If this is the case, ask this particular question.
5、怎麽有禮貌地問路:總的原則是不輕易打擾別人。The basic principle is: Don't disturb the others.
6、我們向她問路,她指向小鎮的方向。We asked her the way and she pointed towards the town.
7、凱西停在路邊壹家小餐館,向壹名當地人問路。Kathy stops at a sidewalk cafe to ask a local directions.
8、學習乘坐交通工具與問路時的對話。Learn how to communicate when taking bus, or asking direction.