古詩詞大全網 - 經典古詩 - 非主流個性用英語怎麽說 非主流個性英語翻譯?

非主流個性用英語怎麽說 非主流個性英語翻譯?


1. The new age people, they use it to make cheap jewelry.

2. So i exist somewhat outside of the mainstream of design thinking.

3. Why can’t i find a cool alternative boyfriend?

4. More often than not, a bilateral deal unblocks one trade route only to silt up its tributaries.


5. i also brought you salsa. A little unconventional, but i think you’ll like it.

6. No, i’m not a hipster, at all.

譯文:不 我不是非主流 完全不是 No, I’m not a hipster, at all.。

7. i spent the last eight years of my life writing… in a genre that’s been dying a slow death since “Gypsy.”

8. – OSQ. Obscure Sports Quarterly.

9. He knows i’m old guard. You’re fringe.

10. – i know snow when i see it! it’s all i’ve had to eat for three days.

11. You’re appalled by the alt-right.

12. You saw off this backbench rebellion… over the finance bill.

13. Because it’s time that kids like me stop being the exception, and we become the norm.

譯文:因為,是時候,讓像我這樣的孩子 不再是非主流,而成為主流了。 。

14. His methods are so unorthodox.
