古詩詞大全網 - 經典古詩 - 英語投訴信的格式



1. 首段開門見山,說明寫信目的。

I am writing to inform(告知)you that I find…unsatisfactory…

I am writing to express dissatisfaction/ disappointment/ concern regarding/ with ……

I am writing because I need to complain to you about ……

2. 第二段清晰、簡潔描述問題或事情經過,並指出事件給妳帶來的不便。

I strongly request that a satisfactory explanation should be given.

I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience(在您方便的時候盡快......).

I would be grateful if you could send me a replacement(替代方案).

3. 第三段結尾感謝對方關註妳的投訴,並表明妳想要的解決方案,期待對方盡早答復並解決問題。

To solve this problem, some remedial actions should be taken before things get


To solve the unpleasant matter, I suggest making the following changes.

I shall be grateful if you could consider my situation and improve it as soon as possible.

I trust you will take my complaints seriously and look forward to hearing from you soon.

I understand you will give immediate attention to this matter and reply at your earliest convenience.
