古詩詞大全網 - 經典古詩 - 求吉他譜 英文版 《草帽歌》 就是《與青春有關日子》茬琴那段喬喬唱的那首,要和弦與指法都有,垃圾回答勿

求吉他譜 英文版 《草帽歌》 就是《與青春有關日子》茬琴那段喬喬唱的那首,要和弦與指法都有,垃圾回答勿

G Am

ma ma do you remember

Bm Em

the old straw hat you gave to me,

G Em

i lost that hat long ago,

Am D7

flew to the foggy canyon.

G Am

yeh ma ma i wonder

Bm Em

what happened to that old straw hat,


falling down the mountain side

C Em

out of my reach like your heart.

Bm7 Em7

suddenly that wind came up,

D D7 B

stealing my hat from me yeh.

D C D Em

swirling whirling gust of wind,

Am D7 G

blowing it higher away.

G Am

ma ma that old straw hat

Bm Em

was the only one i really loved,


but we lost it.


no one could bring it back,

C Em

like the life you gave me.