古詩詞大全網 - 經典古詩 - 解析下dare的用法


及物動詞 vt. 1.敢; 敢做 He didn't dare to speak to her.他不敢和她說話。I dare you to jump over the stream.我諒妳不敢跳過這條小河。2.激(某人做某事);問(某人)有沒有膽量(做某事);諒(某人)沒膽量(做某事) I dared him, but he didn't.我向他挑戰, 可是他不敢應戰。 3.敢嘗試;敢做;敢冒…的險,敢冒(風險) The explorers dared the dangers of the ice north.探險者們敢於冒北方冰雪嚴寒的危險。1.敢, 竟敢 I daren't ask her for a rise.我不敢向她要求加薪。I don't know whether he dare try.我不知道他是否敢試壹試。She wanted the money badly, but she daren't ask for it.她急需用錢, 但卻不敢要。He dare not mention the subject again.他不敢再提起那個話題。We're so late I daren't look at my watch.我們太遲了, 我連手表都不敢看壹眼。I daren't think how much it's going to cost.我沒敢想這得花多少錢。He dared not show that he was pleased.他不敢表示自己覺得高興。Dare you tell him the news?妳敢告訴他這個消息嗎?I show him my new blouse but I dared not tell him how much it cost.我給他看了我的新襯衫, 但沒敢告訴他花了多少錢買的。名詞 n. 1.激將;挑戰 不及物動詞 vi. 1.敢,敢於,大膽,無畏於,有足夠的勇氣(或膽量) You wouldn't dare!妳不敢!