古詩詞大全網 - 經典古詩 - 暴風影音中分數在9.5分以上且觀看人數在2000人以上的電影有哪些?


IMDB(Internet Movie Data Base,互聯網電影數據庫)是目前全球互聯網中最大的壹個電影資料庫,裏面包括了幾乎所有的電影,以及1982年以後的電視劇集。IMDB的資料中包括了影片的眾多信息,演員、片長、內容介紹、分級、評論等等,我們用的最多的也就是IMDB的得分。

IMDB Top 250 電影列表(2013年6月3日更新)

排名 評分 片名

1 9.2 The Shawshank Redemption (1994)(肖申克的救贖)

2 9.2 The Godfather(1972)(教父)

3 9 The Godfather: Part II (1974)(教父2)

4 8.9 Pulp Fiction (1994)(低俗小說)

5 8.9 Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo. (1966)(黃金三鏢客)

6 8.9 The Dark Knight (2008)(蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士)

7 8.9 12 Angry Men (1957)(十二怒漢)

8 8.9 Schindler's List (1993)(辛德勒的名單)

9 8.8 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King(2003)(指環王3:王者歸來)

10 8.8 Fight Club(1999)(搏擊俱樂部)

11 8.8 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back(1980)(星球大戰5:帝國反擊戰)

12 8.8 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring(2001)(指環王:護戒使者)

13 8.8 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest(1975)(飛越瘋人院)

14 8.7 Inception(2010)(盜夢空間)

15 8.7 Goodfellas(1990)(好家夥)

16 8.7 Star Wars(1977)(星球大戰)

17 8.7 Shichinin no samurai(1954)(七武士)

18 8.7 Forrest Gump(1994)(阿甘正傳)

19 8.7 The Matrix(1999)(黑客帝國)

20 8.7 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers(2002)(指環王:雙塔奇兵)

21 8.7 Cidade de Deus(2002)(上帝之城)

22 8.6 Se7en(1995)(七宗罪)

23 8.6 The Silence of the Lambs(1991)(沈默的羔羊)

24 8.6 C'era una volta il West(1968)(西部往事)

25 8.6 Casablanca(1942)(卡薩布蘭卡)

26 8.6 The Usual Suspects(1995)(非常嫌疑犯)

27 8.6 Raiders of the Lost Ark(1981)(奪寶奇兵)

28 8.6 Rear Window(1954)(後窗)

29 8.6 It's a Wonderful Life(1946)(生活多美好)

30 8.6 Psycho(1960)(驚魂記)

31 8.6 Léon(1994)(這個殺手不太冷)

32 8.5 Sunset Blvd(1950)(日落大道)

33 8.5 American History X(1998)(美國X檔案)

34 8.5 Apocalypse Now(1979)(現代啟示錄)

35 8.5 Memento(2000)(記憶碎片)

36 8.5 Terminator 2: Judgment Day(1991)(終結者2)

37 8.5 Saving Private Ryan(1998)(拯救大兵瑞恩)

38 8.5 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb(1964)(奇愛博士)

39 8.5 City Lights(1931)(城市之光)

40 8.5 Alien(1979)(異形)

41 8.5 Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi(2001)(千與千尋)

42 8.5 North by Northwest(1959)(西北偏北)

43 8.5 Modern Times(1936)(摩登時代)

44 8.5 Citizen Kane(1941)(公民凱恩)

45 8.5 Back to the Future(1985)(回到未來)

46 8.5 The Shining(1980)(閃靈)

47 8.5 Django Unchained(2012)(被解救的姜戈)

48 8.5 The Pianist(2002)(鋼琴師)

49 8.4 La vita è bella(1997)(美麗人生)

50 8.4 The Departed(2006)(無間行者)

51 8.4 The Dark Knight Rises(2012)(蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士崛起)

52 8.4 M(1931)

53 8.4 Vertigo(1958)(迷魂記)

54 8.4 Paths of Glory(1957)(光榮之路)

55 8.4 American Beauty(1999)(美國麗人)

56 8.4 Taxi Driver(1976)(出租車司機)

57 8.4 Aliens(1986)(異形2)

58 8.4 Double Indemnity(1944)(雙重賠償)

59 8.4 Toy Story 3(2010)(玩具總動員3)

60 8.4 WALL·E(2008)(星際總動員)

61 8.4 Das Leben der Anderen(2006)(竊聽風暴)

62 8.4 Intouchables(2011)(無法觸碰)

63 8.4 The Green Mile(1999)(綠色奇跡)

64 8.4 Gladiator(2000)(角鬥士)

65 8.4 A Clockwork Orange(1971)(發條橙)

66 8.4 The Great Dictator(1940)(大獨裁者)

67 8.4 The Prestige(2006)(致命魔術)

68 8.4 Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain(2001)(天使愛美麗)

69 8.4 Lawrence of Arabia(1962)(阿拉伯的勞倫斯)

70 8.4 To Kill a Mockingbird(1962)(殺死壹只知更鳥)

71 8.4 Reservoir Dogs(1992)(落水狗)

72 8.4 Das Boot(1981)(從海底出發)

73 8.4 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso(1988)(天堂電影院)

74 8.3 The Lion King(1994)(獅子王)

75 8.3 The Third Man(1949)(第三個人)

76 8.3 Requiem for a Dream(2000)(夢之安魂曲)

77 8.3 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre(1948)(浴血金沙)

78 8.3 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind(2004)(美麗心靈的永恒陽光)

79 8.3 Once Upon a Time in America(1984)(美國往事)

80 8.3 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi(1983)(星球大戰6:絕地歸來)

81 8.3 Full Metal Jacket(1987)(全金屬外殼)

82 8.3 Braveheart(1995)(勇敢的心)

83 8.3 L.A. Confidential(1997)(洛城機密)

84 8.3 Oldeuboi(2003)(原罪犯)

85 8.3 Chinatown(1974)(唐人街)

86 8.3 Singin' in the Rain(1952)(雨中曲)

87 8.3 Monty Python and the Holy Grail(1975)(巨蟒與聖杯)

88 8.3 Some Like It Hot(1959)(熱情似火)

89 8.3 Ladri di biciclette(1948)(偷自行車的人)

90 8.3 Metropolis(1927)(大都會)

91 8.3 Amadeus(1984)(莫紮特傳)

92 8.3 Rash?mon(1950)(羅生門)

93 8.3 Mononoke-hime(1997)(魔法公主)

94 8.3 2001: A Space Odyssey(1968)(2001太空漫遊)

95 8.3 All About Eve(1950)(彗星美人)

96 8.3 The Sting(1973)(騙中騙)

97 8.3 Unforgiven(1992)(殺無赦)

98 8.3 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade(1989)(奪寶奇兵3之聖戰奇兵)

99 8.3 The Apartment(1960)(公寓春光)

100 8.3 Raging Bull(1980)(憤怒的公牛)

101 8.3 Hotaru no haka(1988)(螢火蟲之墓)

102 8.3 Witness for the Prosecution(1957)(控方證人)

103 8.3 The Bridge on the River Kwai(1957)(桂河大橋)

104 8.3 Die Hard(1988)(虎膽龍威)

105 8.3 Batman Begins(2005)(蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻)

106 8.3 Jodaeiye Nader az Simin(2011)(納德和西敏:壹次別離)

107 8.3 Y?jinb?(1961)(用心棒)

108 8.3 Inglourious Basterds(2009)(無恥混蛋)

109 8.3 Snatch.(2000)(貪得無厭)

110 8.3 Per qualche dollaro in più(1965)(黃昏雙鏢客)

111 8.2 The Great Escape(1963)(大逃亡)

112 8.2 El laberinto del fauno(2006)(潘神的迷宮)

113 8.2 Der Untergang(2004)(帝國的毀滅)

114 8.2 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington(1939)(史密斯遊美京)

115 8.2 Up(2009)(飛屋環遊記)

116 8.2 Toy Story(1995)(玩具總動員)

117 8.2 On The Waterfront(1954)(碼頭風雲)

118 8.2 The Elephant Man(1980)(象人)

119 8.2 Heat(1995)(盜火線)

120 8.2 Det sjunde inseglet(1957)(第七封印)

121 8.2 The General(1926)(將軍號)

122 8.2 The Maltese Falcon(1941)(馬耳他之鷹)

123 8.2 Blade Runner(1982)(銀翼殺手)

124 8.2 The Kid(1921)(尋子遇仙記)

125 8.2 Rebecca(1940)(蝴蝶夢)

126 8.2 Scarface(1983)(疤面煞星)

127 8.2 Gran Torino(2008)(老爺車)

128 8.2 Smultronst?llet(1957)(野草莓)

129 8.2 Fargo(1996)(冰血暴)

130 8.2 Ran(1985)(亂)

131 8.2 The Big Lebowski(1998)(謀殺綠腳趾)

132 8.2 Touch of Evil(1958)(歷劫佳人)

133 8.2 The Deer Hunter(1978)(獵鹿人)

134 8.2 Cool Hand Luke(1967)(鐵窗喋血)

135 8.2 The Gold Rush(1925)(淘金記)

136 8.1 It Happened One Night(1934)(壹夜風流)

137 8.1 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels(1998)(兩桿大煙槍)

138 8.1 No Country for Old Men(2007)(老無所依)

139 8.1 Sin City(2005)(罪惡之城)

140 8.1 Strangers on a Train(1951)(列車上的陌生人)

141 8.1 Casino(1995)(卡西諾)

142 8.1 The Sixth Sense(1999)(第六感)

143 8.1 Platoon(1986)(野戰排)

144 8.1 Jaws(1975)(大白鯊)

145 8.1 The Thing(1982)(怪形)

146 8.1 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid(1969)(虎豹小霸王)

147 8.1 Good Will Hunting(1997)(心靈捕手)

148 8.1 Trainspotting(1996)(猜火車)

149 8.1 The Wizard of Oz(1939)(奧茲國的巫師)

150 8.1 High Noon(1952) (正午)

151 8.1 Kill Bill: Vol. 1(2003)(殺死比爾)

152 8.1 Hotel Rwanda(2004)(盧旺達旅館)

153 8.1 The Avengers(2012)(復仇者聯盟)

154 8.1 Warrior(2011)(勇士)

155 8.1 El secreto de sus ojos(2009)(謎壹樣的雙眼)

156 8.1 Gone with the Wind(1939)(亂世佳人)

157 8.1 Annie Hall(1977)(安妮·霍爾)

158 8.1 The Grapes of Wrath(1940)(憤怒的葡萄)

159 8.1 Tonari no Totoro(1988)(龍貓)

160 8.1 V for Vendetta(2005)(V字仇殺隊)

161 8.1 Notorious(1946)(美人計)

162 8.1 Finding Nemo(2003)(海底總動員)

163 8.1 Into the Wild(2007)(荒野生存)

164 8.1 Dial M for Murder(1954)(電話謀殺案)

165 8.1 Life of Brian(1979)(布萊恩的壹生)

166 8.1 How to Train Your Dragon(2010)(馴龍記)

167 8.1 Star Trek Into Darkness(2013)(星際迷航:暗黑無界)

168 8.1 The King's Speech(2010)(國王的演講)

169 8.1 There Will Be Blood(2007)(血色將至)

170 8.1 The Night of the Hunter(1955)(獵人之夜)

171 8.1 The Terminator(1984)(終結者)

172 8.1 Network(1976)(電視臺風雲)

173 8.1 The Big Sleep(1946)(夜長夢多)

174 8.1 Ben-Hur(1959)(賓虛)

175 8.1 Million Dollar Baby(2004)(百萬美元寶貝)

176 8.1 Stand by Me(1986)(伴我同行)

177 8.1 Groundhog Day(1993)(土撥鼠日)

178 8.1 The Best Years of Our Lives(1946)(黃金時代)

179 8.1 Donnie Darko(2001)(死亡幻覺)

180 8.1 Twelve Monkeys(1995)(十二猴子)

181 8.1 Dog Day Afternoon(1975)(熱天午後)

182 8.1 Les quatre cents coups(1959)(四百擊)

183 8.1 Mary and Max(2009)(瑪麗和馬克思)

184 8.1 Amores perros(2000)(愛情是狗娘)

185 8.1 The Bourne Ultimatum(2007)(諜影重重3)

186 8.1 Persona(1966)(假面)

187 8.1 Black Swan(2010)(黑天鵝)

188 8.1 Hauru no ugoku shiro(2004)(哈爾的移動城堡)

189 8.1 Gandhi(1982)(甘地傳)

190 8 The Killing(1956)(殺手)

191 8 The Graduate(1967)(畢業生)

192 8 A Beautiful Mind(2001)(美麗心靈)

193 8 The Princess Bride(1987)(公主新娘)

194 8 8?(1963)

195 8 Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?(1966)(誰害怕弗吉尼亞·伍爾夫)

196 8 The Hustler(1961)(江湖浪子)

197 8 La strada(1954)(大路)

198 8 Slumdog Millionaire(2008)(貧民窟的百萬富翁)

199 8 Rocky(1976)(洛基)

200 8 Life of Pi(2012)(少年派的奇幻漂流)

201 8 Anatomy of a Murder(1959)(桃色血案)

202 8 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey(2012)(霍比特人1)

203 8 The Manchurian Candidate(1962)(諜網迷魂)

204 8 The Exorcist(1973)(驅魔人)

205 8 Rope(1948)(奪魂索)

206 8 The Wild Bunch(1969)(日落黃沙)

207 8 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance(1962)(雙虎屠龍)

208 8 Stalag 17(1953)(17號囚房)

209 8 Barry Lyndon(1975)(亂世兒女)

210 8 In the Name of the Father(1993)(以父之名)

211 8 Sleuth(1972)(足跡)

212 8 Mou gaan dou(2002)(無間道)

213 8 Roman Holiday(1953)(羅馬假日)

214 8 Stalker(1979)(潛行者)

215 8 The Artist(2011)(藝術家)

216 8 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl(2003)(加勒比海盜:黑珍珠號的詛咒)

217 8 The Truman Show(1998)(楚門的世界)

218 8 Monsters, Inc.(2001)(怪獸電力公司)

219 8 Salinui chueok(2003)(殺人回憶)

220 8 Per un pugno di dollari(1964)(荒野大鏢客)

221 8 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2(2011)(哈利波特與死亡聖器)

222 8 Star Trek(2009)(星際迷航)

223 8 District 9(2009)(第九區)

224 8 Yip Man(2008)(葉問)

225 8 Ratatouille(2007)(美食總動員)

226 8 Le scaphandre et le papillon(2007)(潛水鐘與蝴蝶)

227 8 Jurassic Park(1993)(侏羅紀公園)

228 8 A Streetcar Named Desire(1951)(欲望號街車)

229 8 La haine(1995)(恨)

230 8 Shutter Island(2010)(禁閉島)

231 8 All Quiet on the Western Front(1930)(西線無戰事)

232 8 Rain Man(1988)(雨人)

233 8 Beauty and the Beast(1991)(美女與野獸)

234 8 3 Idiots(2009)(三傻大鬧寶萊塢)

235 8 Incendies(2010)(焦土之城)

236 8 Taare Zameen Par(2007)(地球上的星星)

237 8 Kaze no tani no Naushika(1984)(風之谷)

238 8 Rosemary's Baby(1968)(魔鬼聖嬰)

239 8 Harvey(1950)(迷離世界)

240 8 Mystic River(2003)(神秘河)

241 8 Papillon(1973)(巴比龍)

242 8 Manhattan(1979)(曼哈頓)

243 7.9 The Untouchables(1987)(義膽雄心)

244 7.9 Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens(1922)(諾斯費拉圖)

245 7.9 Bom yeoreum gaeul gyeoul geurigo bom(2003)(春去春又來)

246 7.9 The Perks of Being a Wallflower(2012)(壁花少年)

247 7.9 Big Fish(2003)(大魚)

248 7.9 The Help(2011)(幫助)

249 7.9 Trois couleurs: Rouge(1994)(藍白紅三部曲之紅)

250 7.9 Fa yeung nin wa(2000)(花樣年華)