古詩詞大全網 - 經典古詩 - 用英文翻譯壹下簡介海倫凱勒的壹生


June 1880 27 born in the United States Alabama Ta Sika MBIA.

January 1882 because of blinding scarlet fever-induced deafness. March 1887 as Annie Sullivan, Keller's teacher.

June 1899 woman was admitted to Radcliffe College at Harvard University.

British tourist in 1930.

1931-1933 Temple University, was awarded honorary degrees. Visit to France, Yugoslavia, the United Kingdom.

October 20, 1936 death of teacher Anne Sullivan.

1960 Foundation for the Blind promulgation of the United States overseas, "Helen Keller" awards.

1964 won the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

June 1, 1968 died.