n.
1.少年,男孩
[C]
Don't
cry.
You're
a
big
boy
now.
別哭啦,妳已是個大孩子了。
收藏
The
dog
fawned
on
the
boy.
那條狗向那少年搖尾乞憐。
收藏
2.兒子
[C]
3.美口男子,男人
[C]
You
are
a
very
brave
boy,
Hnery,
and
am
fond
of
you
and
trust
you.
妳是個有膽量的男子漢,亨利,我看得上妳也信任妳。
收藏
John
is
a
small-town
boy.
約翰這人來自小城鎮。
收藏
4.男仆,男侍
[C]
In
answer
to
the
ring,
appeared
a
page
boy
with
a
silver
soup
tureen.
按過鈴,壹個小男仆就捧了壹只盛湯的銀器進來。
收藏
He
strapped
the
errand
boy
with
a
leather
belt.
他用皮帶抽打那個使童。
收藏
5.(多用於稱呼)老弟,家夥
[C]
"Where's
the
fire,
dear
boy?"
Dick
drawled.
"Do
we
really
have
to
run
for
it?"
“幹嘛這麽急,老弟?”迪克慢吞吞地問道,“難道我們非跑步不可嗎?”
收藏
"Hold
on,
Arthur,
my
boy."
he
said.
“等壹等,阿瑟老弟。”他說。
收藏