慘絕人寰 慘不忍聞 目不忍睹
〖慘絕人寰〗: 形容悲慘到了極點,世上少有。絕:到了盡頭。人寰:世界,人世。
〖慘不忍聞〗: 聞:聽。淒慘得叫人不忍心聽。
〖傷心慘目〗: 非常悲慘,使人不忍心看。
〖目不忍睹〗: 形容景象十分淒慘,使人不忍心看。也說目不忍視。
cǎn bù rěn dǔ
成語的意思和解釋-- 睹:看。情景淒慘;使人不忍看下去。
成語來源出自哪裏-- 清 黃小配《洪秀全演義》:“屍首堆積,慘不忍睹。”
成語繁體字寫法-- 慘不忍覩
成語拼音簡寫-- cbrd
褒義還是貶義-- 貶義成語,常用來批評貶低人的四字詞語
成語使用辦法和性質-- 偏正式;作謂語;形容各種慘狀
成語形式結構-- 偏正式成語
(1) when you spend $800 billion on an economic recovery plan and the effect is terrible, it is not so easy for people to see it.
(2) it's terrible! The girl has been tortured by her parents! As the saying goes, "pity the parents all over the world".
(3) on March 27, a naked anonymous female corpse was found in an abandoned empty house in the suburb of Jiangchuan County, Hongta District, Yuxi City. The body was injured in many places. The scene was horrible and the means were very cruel.
(4) after the fire, the house was just terrible.
(5) as the worst battle of the "Spring Festival offensive" launched by the North Vietnamese army, the battle of Shunhua Lane became a symbol of the defeat of the US Army.