1. lt' s not like that不是那樣的。2.There is nothing good playing.沒好電影可看。3.I' ve gotten carried away我扯太遠了。4.Good thing...還好,幸好…5.I don't believe you' re bringing this up.妳現在提這件事真是豈有此理。6.spyon someone.跟監(某人)。7.There’s no other way ofsaying it沒有別種說法。8.That will not always bethecase情況不會永遠是這樣。9.She is coming on to you.她對妳有意思。10.lwas being polite我這是在說客氣話。11.stand someone up放(某人)鴿子。12.So that explains it.原來如此。13.lfeel the same way.我有同感。14.ls there someoneelse?妳是不是有了新歡?15.Ican'thelp myself我情不自禁。16.come hell or high water.不擇手段。18. What have you got to lose?妳有啥好損失的?19.You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.妳不應該對自己太苛刻。20.Don’t get me started on it.別讓我打開話匣子。