古詩詞大全網 - 經典古詩 - 英語中的各種笑和哭?


笑:grin 露齒而笑 guffaw 捧腹大笑 chuckle 低聲輕笑 giggle 咯咯的笑 gurgle(嬰兒)咯咯笑 snicker 竊笑 snort (諷刺、輕蔑地)高聲大笑 smirk 傻笑;假笑 burst into laughter 突然大笑 crack a smile 展顏微笑,莞爾壹笑 explode with laughter 哄堂大笑 force a smile 強作歡顏 burst into gales of laughter 爆發出陣陣笑聲 grin with delight 高興的咧嘴而笑 a hearty burst of laughter 壹陣爽朗的歡笑 in stitches 笑不可支 laugh at 嘲笑 laugh it off 壹笑而過 laughingstock 笑料;笑柄 laugh in the breeze 迎風歡笑 laugh oneself to death 差點沒笑死 laugh people around into a better humour 笑得周圍的人心情好起來 laugh a hearty laugh 放聲大笑,開懷大笑 laugh and grow fat 心寬體胖 roars of laughter 大笑聲 a saccharine smile 諂笑,諂媚的笑 roll them in the aisles [ail] 樂不可支,笑得東倒西歪, (口語) 使<劇院的觀眾> 捧腹大笑 scream with laughter 笑得前仰後合 shriek with laughter 尖聲狂笑 smile shyly 羞嗒嗒地微笑 beam with smiles 笑容滿面;笑逐顏開 be all smiles 笑容滿面, 喜氣洋洋 toothpaste smile [美口]牙膏廣告上露出皓齒的微笑 smile on sb. 朝某人微笑 smile bitterly 苦笑 grin from ear to ear 嘴咧得大大地笑 哭:1. be in tears 含淚,淚流滿面 Most of us were in tears by the time he’d finished his story. 他講完故事時,我們大多數人都已淚流滿面。 2. have tears in one’s eyes 眼裏含著淚水 Jane turned to me with tears in her eyes, and Begged me to help her. 簡眼裏含著淚水轉我, 懇求我幫幫她。 3. burst into tears 放聲大哭,突然哭起來 Laura burst into tears and ran out of the room. 勞拉突然哭了起來,然後從房子裏跑了出去。 4. tears roll/run down one’s cheeks 淚水順著臉頰淌下來 He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks, while the music played. 音樂聲響起時,他靜靜地站著,淚水順著臉頰淌下來。 5. fight back tears 抑制住淚水 Bill fought back his tears and tried to comfort Sarah’s mother. 比爾抑制住淚水,並試圖安慰桑拉的母親。 6. bring tears to somebody’s eyes (因傷感而)流淚。 The old song always brought tears to my eyes. 那首老歌總是讓我傷感得流淚。 7. be close to tears/be on the verge of tears快要哭了 Her hands were shaking. She was on the verge of tears but Paul didn’t realize that.  她的手在顫抖,她快要哭出來了,但保羅壹點也沒有意識到這壹切。 8. reduce somebody to tears 使某人不禁流淚 He nagged and complained, and reduced Louise to tears.  他嘮嘮叨叨,不停地抱怨,使路易斯不禁流淚。 9. somebody’s eyes water(風、煙霧等) 使眼睛淌眼淚 Joe’s eyes were watering from the smoke that filled the room.  喬的雙眼正被因滿屋的煙霧熏得淌眼淚。 10. cry one’s eyes out(口語)痛哭流涕,哭得很傷心 Cecil came round later, crying his eyes out, asking me to forgive him.  賽西爾後來來了,哭得很傷心,請求我原諒他。 11. make somebody cry讓某人哭,惹某人哭 David often teases his little sister and makes her cry. 大衛經常惹她妹妹哭。 12. break down(因情緒失去控制而)痛哭,大哭 I left quickly,not wanting to break down in front of the children.  我趕快離開了,因為我不想在孩子們面前大哭。 13. have alumpin one’s throat(因感動、悲傷而)哽咽,喉嚨哽住 There was a lump in my throat and I didn’t speak because I knew I would cry. 我哽咽了,沒有說話,因為我知道我會哭的。 14. turn on the water works(口語)(撒嬌)哭出來,(故意)哭起來 It’s no good turning on the water works. You can’t stay home from school. 妳哭也沒用,因為妳不能逃學。