i withdrew a lot of money ? the bank yesterday.
i refuse to comment ? his work.
the waiter's tip is included ? the bill.
he congratulated me ? having got engaged.
this warm coat will protect you ? the cold.
did anything emerge ? your discussion?
i dreamt ? you last night.
you can never rely ? him to be punctual.
nothing will prevent him ? succeeding.
are you interested ? music?
i suppose i can count ? you for help ? this matter.
beware ? the dog.
he persisted ? asking questions.
i insist ? your telling me the truth.
it took me a long tinme to get rid ? him.
do you mean to say you have never heard ? Beethoven?
i separated them ? each other because they were fighting.
the can only cure him ? his illness if they opearate ? him.
you can depend ? me.
i haven't accused him ? anything, but i suspect him ? having taken it.
whatever made you thin ? such a thing?
we expect a great deal ? you , Smith.
my hands smell ? soap.
they differ ? each other so much.
he invested a lot of money ? shipping.
the film was based ? a novel by Dickens.
don't lean ? that shelf! you'll regret it.
she often suffers ? colds.
we have embarked ? a new scheme.
i believe ? taking my time.
Jones was dismissed ? the firm.
they began by experimenting ? rats.
please concentrate ? what you are doing.
she prides herself ? her clean house.
the climber failed ? his attempt to reach the summit.
many people escatped ? prisons during the last five years.
we must economize ? fuel.
he's never done any work. he lives ? his mother.
he was employed ? a factory begore he joined the army.
and what does this horrible drink consist
i shall certainly act ? your advice.
don't write ? the desk.
you should not boast ? your success.
you must encourage him ? his efforts.
he should be instructed ? his duties.
two or three people were involved ? the accident.
children should be prohibited ? smoking.
i can assure you ? my support.
do you approve ? hunting?
i despair ? ever teaching him anything!
has this play ever been performed ? the stage?
i warned him ? the danger, but he wouldn't listen to me.
how much have you borrowed ? me already?
he delights ? annoying me.